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It is only in so far as we regard this end as the real one that the difficulties encountered, the endless troubles and vexations endured, in order to attain the object we love, appear to be in keeping with the matter. For it is the future generation in its entire individual determination which forces itself into existence through the medium of all this strife and trouble.

She is handsome still, though a little faded and worn by her troubles, poor soul and seems fond of him." "I am glad of that. How I should like to see him, and the poor wife, and the children my brother's children! I have never had any children fond of me."

Newspapers reported, one with apprehension, another with tyrannous comment, mutinous troubles in the fleet.

"There is nothing about me that betrays my wretchedness; and yet, in spite of appearances, I am in despair. I cannot sleep; my troubles have broken my night's rest; I shall grow ugly." "Oh! that is impossible," cried the law student; "but I am curious to know what these troubles can be that a devoted love cannot efface." "Ah! if I were to tell you about them, you would shun me," she said.

Their troubles may not take quite such an obvious form as crutches, but they are in just as much need of sympathy, nevertheless. In this immediate neighbourhood, for instance " He paused for a moment, and I knew he was going to make fun by the twinkle in his eye and the solemn way he puffed out the smoke. "There's myself!"

If she loves her husband, a fact which notaries never doubt, she will share his troubles. Madame, I see enough in this scheme to make her die of grief and anxiety; you are consigning her to poverty. Yes, madame, poverty; to persons accustomed to the use of one hundred thousand francs a year, twenty thousand is poverty.

Almost daily I hear from patients who come for consultation: All my troubles date back to a cold I took at such and such a time, etc.

"With these clothes that have just been hauled out of a saddle-bag?" said Harry with a look of alarm. "Even rags could not hide the beauty of him," said Kelso as he came down from the porch to greet them. "And look at her," he went on. "Was there ever a fairer maid in spite of all her troubles? See the red in her cheeks and the diamond glow of youth and health in her eyes.

Lord Carse's domestic troubles were pretty well-known throughout Edinburgh; and the company settled it in their own minds that there had been a scene this afternoon. When they were gone, Lord Carse gave his sister his advice not to instruct any very young child in any part to be acted.

The stranger turned sullenly, not liking to be baffled, muttering under his breath, "That bird would be worth any amount of money to me if I could but secure him for the War Department in Vienna!" As for Chico his troubles for the day had only begun.