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Isn't that a rather indiscreet question to put to a man a man who is a friend of your husband " Hotly she turned on him. "If you are his friend, why do you vilify and slander him behind his back?" Keralio lifted up his long slender hands in pious protest. "I vilify my best friend Oh, my dear Mrs. Traynor you have quite misunderstood me. I am a foreigner. Perhaps it is that I express myself ill."

And so there was no friend to whom he could turn. Five days after his arrival in San Francisco Loring found himself facing charges of the gravest nature, for Traynor, being sent for, told his story to the general in person, and Loring stood alone. April had gone, and May and June was well-nigh half over.

If this is true, the finding of this colossal stone means a windfall for the Yankee stockholders. The Traynor home, No. Gramercy Park, was one of those dignified, old-fashioned residences that still remain in New York to remind our vulgar, ostentatious nouveaux riches of the days when culture and refinement counted for something more than mere wealth.

"Arrah, what are you talkin' about? Sure 'tisn't of that same spalpeen of a gauger that we'd be afraid!" During this observation, young Dolan pressed Traynor's foot under the table, and they both went out for about five minutes. "Father," said the son, when he and Traynor re-entered the room, "you're a wanting home." "Who wants me, Larry, avick?" says the father.

The father, however, wasn't for me; but the mother was: so after drinking a bottle or two with the mother, Sarah Traynor, her cousin, and Mary, along with Jack Donnellan, on my part, in their own barn, unknown to the father, we agreed to make, a runaway match of it, and appointed my uncle Brian Slevin's as the house we'd go to.

Traynor's being greatly worried sir, lately. Miss Dorothy was at her aunt's in Philadelphia " "Yes, yes " "Someone's run away with Miss Dorothy. She's been kidnapped." "My God!" "But Mrs. Traynor has a clue. She got a letter yesterday, saying where the child was. She wouldn't confide in any of us and she left here only half an hour ago to go to the place." Again Kenneth was seized by panic.

"That's a gay man, Barny," said Traynor, "but off wid you like a shot, and let us get it under our tooth first, an' then we'll tell you more about it A big rogue is the same Barny," he added, after Brady had gone to bring in the poteen, "an' never sells a dhrop that's not one whiskey and five wathers."

"Villain, is it?" replied Traynor, making a blow at him, whilst Brady snatched, at a penknife, which one of the others had placed on the table, after picking the tobacco out of his pipe intending either to stab Traynor, or to cut the knot of the cravat by which he was held. The others, however, interfered, and presented further mischief.

"Monsieur Traynor of the Americo-African Mining Co." Handsome started. "What? Kenneth Traynor, of the Americo-African Mining Company the people who made those sensational finds." "Yes he's vice-president of the company." Handsome gave a low, expressive whistle. "He's rich all right! Do you know what those stones are worth?" "Over a million dollairs." "And he came out here to " The valet nodded.

Trained for the ministry and enjoying a wide acquaintance but a slim income, he had found the business of stock company promotion more profitable than preaching the gospel, and when Traynor had first gone to him with the suggestion that a company be formed to take up the large tract of Transvaal land where precious stones had actually been found he was not slow to grasp at the unusual opportunity.