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Come, Jack Traynor, you that's up to still-house work escapin' and carryin' away stills from gaugers, the bloody villains! out wid yer spake, till we hear your opinion." "Do ye think, boys," said Andy Connell, "that we could flatter him to come by fair mains?" "Flatther him!" said Traynor; "and, by my sowl, if we flatther him at all, it must be by the hair of the head.

In fact, the blow had been so swift and unexpected, so incomprehensible, that it had left them thoroughly alarmed. The body of Traynor had already been brought ashore and placed in a local undertaking shop. With Everson, Kennedy and I hastened to visit it. Traynor had been an athlete and powerfully built, which made his sudden death seem all the more strange.

We can keep an eye on Mat widout much trouble, an' when opportunity sarves, nick him at wanst, an' off wid him clane." "But," said Traynor, "what would we do wid him when he'd be here? Wouldn't he cut an' run the first opportunity. "How can he, ye omadhawn, if we put a manwill* in our pocket, an' sware him?

"We have no time for that now, Kenneth. Our guests are waiting." "That's right," he replied, with a smile that did not escape her. "We've no time now. But the night is still before us." "Will you come soon?" "Yes I'll be right down." Once more the Traynor residence was filled with the sounds of mirth and revelry. From cellar to attic the old mansion was ablaze with light.

She did not know, poor little maid, that late the previous evening, after consultation between Turnbull and Loring, the latter had asked Mr. Traynor to place a packet of his within the safe, and that then and there Traynor had permitted him a peep at the valuable parcel to be delivered to Escalante's representative in San Francisco.

And one day followed another, and Turnbull read and yawned and dozed and tried to talk to the charming señoritas, but couldn't muster enough Castilian, and Traynor chalked the decks for "horse billiards" and shuffleboard, and everybody took a hand at times, and one evening, despite the havoc moist salt air plays with catgut, Pancha's guitar and that of the purser were brought into requisition, and Pancha was made to sing, a thing she didn't do too well as yet, and Pancha knew it without asking when she looked in Loring's eyes, and no power or persuasion could make her try again until long, long after.

When you took away Mary Traynor, and nearly kilt her brother, the young priest you know they were Reilly's tenants I needn't tell you what happened: in four hours' time he had the country up, followed you and your party I wasn't with you then, but you know it's truth I'm spakin' and when he had five to one against you, didn't he make them stand aside until he and you should decide it between you?

Traynor, in his turn, had his hand twisted in Brady's cravat, which he drew tightly about his neck, until the other got nearly black in the face. "Let me go you villain!" exclaimed Brady, "or, by this blessed night that's in it, it'll be worse for you."

The nurse looked at him curiously. "So your name is Traynor, is it? We've tried to find out for a long time. But there were no marks on your clothes when you were picked up. We did not know who you were and so have not been able to communicate with any of your friends.

The divil a pint of poteen ever you'll run in this parish, until you clear yourself of bringing the gauger on the Tracys, bekase they tuck Mick M'Kew, in preference to yourself, to run it for them." Traynor made another attempt to strike him, but was prevented. The rest now interfered; and, in the course of an hour or so, an adjustment took place.