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"It is as truly folly for the poor to ape the rich, as for the frog to swell in order to equal the ox." "Pride breakfasts with plenty, dines with poverty, and sups with infamy." His integrity in transacting business was no less marked. Strict honesty characterized all his dealings with men. An exalted idea of justice pervaded his soul. His word of honour was as good as his note of hand.

The sheriff fixed him with a grim stare. "What did you try to run for, Mac?" he demanded. "I had business outdoors," grumbled McFluke. "What kind of business?" "What's that to you? You ain't got no license to grab a-hold of me and stop me from transacting my legitimate business whenever and wherever I feel like it." "You seem to know more about it than I do.

His failure had lost him influence with the king, but the queen, the real power behind the throne, supported him, and it was only by promises of the enemies of Alberoni to aid her views for the establishment of her children that she was induced to yield consent to his overthrow. On the 4th of December, 1719, Alberoni spent the evening transacting affairs of state with the king and queen.

In dealing with the 'boer' the townspeople's ingenuity is taxed to the utmost in endeavouring to get the better of one whose nature is heavy but cunning, and families who have dealt with the same 'boer' vendor for years have to be as careful as if they were transacting business with an entire stranger.

So the Treaty of Utrecht is transacting itself; which that of Rastadt, on the part of Kaiser and Empire, unable to get on without Subsidies, will have to follow: and after such quantities of powder burnt, and courageous lives wasted, general AS-YOU-WERE is the result arrived at.

But instead of presenting the ominous note to the emperor, he had contented himself, after the fashion of a genuine courtier, with offering incense to the great conqueror, and Napoleon had prevented him from transacting any business by putting off all negotiations with him until after the great battle.

But the other part of you, the part that was transacting business, so to speak that wasn't in the least alarmed. I fancy all born commanders are built like that. Did you ever see General Grant?" Thorpe shook his head. "What reminded me of him there is an account in his Memoirs of how he felt when he first was given a command, at the beginning of the Civil War.

Here they strike across the channel, and thence around the lower end of Wolfe Island, and into Kingston Bay, where they come to shore. There were not many streets or fine stone houses in the Limestone City at this time; a few log houses composed the town. After resting and transacting necessary business they again push away, and turn their course up the lovely Bay of Quinte.

He was in the habit of kneeling at the bedside of George III. while transacting business. Now no man can ARGUE on his knees. The same superstitious feeling which keeps him in that physical attitude will keep him in a corresponding mental attitude. He will not refute the bad arguments of the king as he will refute another man's bad arguments.

Next day he was out all day transacting business, thinking in the intervals, "To-morrow morning she will be in the station," sometimes asking himself if Owen had written to her. But the letter he had caught sight of on Owen's table had not been posted. "After all, what is the good in writing a disagreeable letter to her?