United States or Samoa ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He laughed heartily at her success and Mr Spears' discomfiture, but it was easy to see he was not quite at his ease about the matter. "I am at a loss to know how all this will end," he said, gravely, after a minute. "Indeed, sir, you need be at no loss about that. It will end in a `toom pantry' for us, and that before very long."

"No, serang," said "Robat." "But you speak Pondicherry the boy say, Robat?" "Yes, I speak it, serang. Many English people speak it a little. Very easy for English people learn a little, just the same as we learn jeldy jow, toom sooar."

Next morning an Irishman, the extra man for the haying, came in with a worried look to breakfast. 'That new horse has a chittern' kind of a coff, he said. 'A cough? said I. ''Tain't jist a coff, nayther, he said, 'but a kind of toom! With the last word he obligingly imitated the sound of the cough. It threw me into perspiration. 'Sounds bad, said Uncle Eb, as he looked at me and snickered.

But upo' the ither han' there's ae thing it's eesed for by some, 'at canna be considert a richt eese to mak o' 't: there's ae wull tribe in America they tell me o', 'at ait a hantle o' 't and that's a thing I cannot un'erstan'; for it diz them, they say, no guid at a', 'cep, maybe, it be jist to fill-in the toom places i' their stammacks, puir reid craturs, and haud their ribs ohn stucken thegither and maybe that's jist what they ait it for!

He was a man without a conscience, and so long as his own ends and the ends of his friends were served, he would never scruple to empty the woman's girnel or toom her last basin, and leave her no morsel of food or drink at the long-run.

"I'm gauin to see whether the shirra winna be perswaudit to hang ye," answered the shepherd. "This maun be putten a stap till. Quaiet! or I'll brain ye, an' save him the trouble. Here, Janet, fess yer pot o' pitawtas. I'm gauin to toom the man's gun.

They'll try the auld Tower, but they'll no' wait there when they find it toom, and they'll be inside the Hoose in a jiffy and awa' wi' the puir lassie. Sirs, it maunna be. Ye're lippenin' to the polis, but in a' my days I never kenned the polis in time. We maun be up and daein' oorsels. Oh, if I could get a haud o' that red-heided Dougal..."