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I had saved from the wreck of our things most of the whey-powder, pemmican, &c., as well as the theodolite, compass, chronometer, train-oil lamp for cooking, and other implements: I was therefore in no doubt as to my course, and I had provisions for ninety days. But ten days from the start my supply of dog-food failed, and I had to begin to slaughter my only companions, one by one.

Lieutenant Prestrud studied the use of the pendulum apparatus under Professor Schiotz and the use of the astronomical theodolite under Professor Geelmuyden. We had in addition several sextants and artificial horizons, both glass and mercury. We had binoculars of all sizes, from the largest to the smallest.

In the evening we reached the island of San Pedro, where we found the "Beagle" at anchor. In doubling the point, two of the officers landed to take a round of angles with the theodolite. He was so intently absorbed in watching the work of the officers, that I was able, by quietly walking up behind, to knock him on the head with my geological hammer.

Every officer who takes part in the Southern journey ought to have in his memory the approximate variation of the compass at various stages of the journey and to know how to apply it to obtain a true course from the compass.... He ought to know what the true course is to reach one depôt from another. He should be able to take an observation with the theodolite.

Hold the ring on this bit of a stake that I've set up in the ground." Alma, like a good girl, did as she was bid, and the ribbon ran out again to its full length. Another stake was set up, and the theodolite was placed in position and a sight obtained at the top of the tall chimney.

But that mysterious-looking instrument—-the theodolite-—most excited the fury of the natives, who concentrated on the man who carried it their fiercest execrations and most offensive nicknames. A powerful fellow, a noted bruiser, was hired by the surveyors to carry the instrument, with a view to its protection against all assailants; but one day an equally powerful fellow, a St.

Before the young man could reply Alma spoke: "Oh! cousin Elmer I mean Mr. Franklin excuse me. You haven't taken off your knapsack." Taking it off and throwing it behind him on the ground, he said: "It's only my clothes." "Clothes!" said Mr. Denny. "Then what is in the trunks?" "My theodolite, cameras, chains, levels, telescopes, retorts, and no end of scientific traps."

It's a beautiful road, beautiful. Jeff Thompson can out-engineer any civil engineer that ever sighted through an aneroid, or a theodolite, or whatever they call it he calls it sometimes one and sometimes the other just whichever levels off his sentence neatest, I reckon. But ain't it a ripping toad, though? I tell you, it'll make a stir when it gets along. Just see what a country it goes through.

"It ought to take care of the plastic at least, then." "Go right through it. You gonna laser Hot Rod?" "No. Just the anchor tubes that hold the mirror; and maybe a slash through the nitrogen tank at the back. Here, make me a bracket to fit these two things together, so I can see what I'm aiming at." He handed the theodolite telescope and the laser milling-head to Paul.

It was easy to see that it was elliptical in shape and had a 'whitish-silver color." After taking a split second to realize what they were looking at, one of the men swung the theodolite around to pick up the object, and the timer reset his stop watch. For sixty seconds they tracked the UFO as it moved toward the east.