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With a patience that Herr Goebel had not expected, Roland replied: "It grieves me to return empty-handed to my twenty friends, who last night bade me a very confident adieu." "Yes, they will be disappointed, and I shrewdly suspect that my thousand thalers would not go towards the prosecuting of the expedition you have outlined, but rather in feasting and in wine." "Again, sir, you are right.

'No, no, said he, 'you shall have those 100,000 thalers; I have destined them for you. People will be much surprised, continued he, 'to see me act quite differently from what they had expected. They imagine I am going to lavish all my treasures, and that money will become as common as pebbles at Berlin: but they will find I know better.

Money, ready-money, and large quantities, is what he will have, that he may squander it in infamous folly. Some demon has made him acquainted with the secret of the hundred and fifty thousand thalers, half of which he in his mad way demands, maintaining that this money is movable property and quite apart from the entailed portion.

"Do you want to hew it down, now that it is in full leaf?" asked the Baron. "No, gracious Sir, it must remain standing winter and summer, as long as there is a chip of it left." "But then, if I should have the forest cut down, it would injure the young trees." "Well, we do not want it for any ordinary price." They offered two hundred thalers.

"One fine day," his visitor resumed, "one spring day, they gave me the key of the fields, as we say, and ten thalers, admitting that I talked quite sensibly on all subjects, and no longer called myself Colonel Chabert. On my honor, at that time, and even to this day, sometimes I hate my name. I wish I were not myself. The sense of my rights kills me.

It may be a sort of presentiment of evil; who knows? He was here again and offered me a pair of horses beautiful animals at a ridiculously low price. It looked queer to me. I know that he paid seventy thalers for them, and he wanted to let me have them for the same price. They are at the least worth one hundred thalers, if not more. Was it intended for a bribe? He may have another lawsuit pending.

The skipper was feasted to his heart's content and presented with five hundred ducats, while each sailor received thirty thalers, and the ship was renamed the St. Petersburg. Two other ships appeared the same year, one Dutch and one English, and their skippers and crews received the same reward. These pioneer vessels were exempted forever from all tolls and dues at that port. St.

This section reads as follows: "Any person who endangers or jeopardizes the public peace by publicly inciting the subjects of the State to hatred or to contempt of one another, is liable to punishment by a fine of not less than 20 and not more than 200 thalers, or by imprisonment of not less than one month and not more than two years."

Poor Polish Jews, cursed by poverty and tyranny! Who could be blamed for consoling himself with liquor in such a home? Besides, when one was paid only five thalers, one owed it to oneself not to refuse a dram or so.

Greusel saw that although Kurzbold talked like the bully he was, the others were rather subdued, and no voice but his was raised in defense of their previous conduct. "There is one thing you must tell us before we can come to a decision," went on Kurzbold. "How much money have you and Ebearhard?" "At midday yesterday I had thirty thalers, and Ebearhard had twenty-five.