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I went to my bedroom for an overcoat, as the night was chilly. I possessed two of these garments at the time one rather heavy and warm, the other a light coat. Both were missing from their accustomed pegs. 'Tcha! Now what does this mean? I growled to myself; knowing quite well what it meant. 'And I take holidays in the country! I might have known better.

We were told that our execution was only postponed till the next day, in order that we might be tortured until the time came for us to be put to death. A number of Lamas and soldiers stood round jeering at us. I seized this opportunity to hail a swaggering Lama and ask him for some refreshment. "Orcheh, orcheh nga dappa tugu duh, chuen deh, dang, yak, guram, tcha, tsamba pin!"

He was supremely bored, and, being perfectly aware that the show lasted three days, his immediate prospect disgusted him. One fancied that on the few occasions upon which he did open his mouth at all, his remark was always the same "Tcha! And at my time of life, too!" But Finn was not otherwise neglected.

And for nine days and for eight nights the furnaces were fed unceasingly with wood of tcha; for nine days and for eight nights men watched the wondrous vase crystallizing into being, rose-lighted by the breath of the flame. Now upon the coming of the ninth night, Pu bade all his weary comrades retire to, rest, for that the work was well-nigh done, and the success assured.

"The delicate attention was meant for me, you know," Roy reminded him; simply from a British impulse to give the devil his due. "Tcha!" Dyán's thumb and finger snapped like a toy pistol. "No law-courts talk for me. You were so close together. He took the risk. By Indra, he won't take any more such risks if I get at him! You said we would not see him here.

Half an hour later she sat up on the couch. Pilch switched on a desk light and looked at her thoughtfully. Trigger blinked. Then her eyes widened, first with surprise, then in comprehension. "Liar!" she said. "Hm-m-m," said Pilch. "Yes." "That was the interview!" "True." "Then you're the egghead!" "Tcha!" said Pilch. "Well, I believe I can modestly describe myself as being like that. Yes.

Oh, and I did want to preach well! Oh, where's my cap?" He began to stumble about the room. Presently he caught his foot in one of the electric light cords and set an alabaster lamp on the mantelpiece rocking on its pedestal. Richard and Marion watched him and it with that set, horrified stare which the anticipation of disorder always provoked in them. "Tcha!" exclaimed Poppy contemptuously.

Beasley, whose feelings were less susceptible, and whose mind was set on the promised orgie, sneered at the other's tone. "Skeered some, ain't you? Tcha'! It's jest wind " But he never completed his sentence. At that instant the whole of the heavens seemed to split and gape open. A shaft of light, extending from horizon to horizon, paralyzed their vision.

"I do not know how I should have had the courage to find my way up here but for those last words, and I am so very, very grateful to you for being so kind to Rumple." "Tcha!" cried Mrs. Warner, making a funny clicking noise with her tongue.

And, lastly, they must stand together to have the measuring standard applied to their shoulders. Young Finn was the last to come under the standard; and the Judge measured him four times over before he would admit himself correct in pronouncing Finn full 35 1/4 inches at the shoulder: "And I may say, sir, the biggest hound I ever measured. Fifteen and a half months, you say? Tcha!