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Ladd's statement that these contractions assist the ear in the judgment of absolute pitch has already been cited. Studien, 1895, Vol. Jour. Psych., 1900, Vol.

See his Studien zur Kirchen-politik Englands im 14ten Jahrhundert, in Sitzungsberichte der Académie der Wissenschaften in Wien, philos. histor. classe, cxxxvi., 1897, and, more briefly, in Engl. Hist. Review, xi. , 319-328. A vigorous opposition to the dominant faction was formed. At its head was the Black Prince.

His views on historical development have been collected by G. Sparlinsky, Schopenhauers Verhaltnis zur Geschichte, in Berner Studien s. Kant's considerations on historical development are an appendix to his philosophy; they are not a necessary part, wrought into the woof of his system.

On Alfonso's death soon afterwards the war was renewed, for James then united the Sicilian and Aragonese thrones and would not yield up either. It was not until 1295 that Boniface VIII., a stronger pope than Nicholas, ended the struggle on terms which left the stubborn Aragonese masters of Sicily. For his policy, see O. Schiff, Studien zur Geschichte P. Nikolaus IV. .

The study of the writers of this period is therefore the study of an organic whole, the germ of which is to be found in the writings of Aquinas. By far the best account of it is to be found in Endemann's Studien in der Romanisch-canonistischen Wirthschafts- und Rechtslehre, vol. i. pp. 25 et seq.

Mülberger's writings have certainly chiefly an historical value; but he is one of the few who have not merely written about and criticised Proudhon, but have thoroughly studied him. He is accordingly, in spite of his somewhat partisan attitude as a supporter of Proudhon, certainly his most trustworthy and faithful interpreter. Now collected as Studien über Proudhon, Stuttgart, 1893.

E. Boeklen, in his Schneewitchen Studien, I, Leipzig 1910, suggests influence by Hansel and Gretel; The Seven Ravens; The Sleeping Beauty; The Maiden without Hands; One Eye, Two Eyes, Three Eyes; False Bride, etc.; and Bolte, i., 453, appears to agree with him. Certainly almost every one of the incidents can be paralleled in other sets of folk-tales.

The first critic to call Compagni's authenticity in question was Pietro Fanfani, in an article of Il Pievano Arlotto, 1858. The cause was taken up, shortly after this date, by an abler German authority, P. Scheffer-Boichorst. The works which I have studied on this subject are, 1. Florentiner Studien, von P. Scheffer-Boichorst, Leipzig, Hirzel, 1874. 2.

As regards the word ain in the Iranian languages see Horn Grundriss der neu persischen Etymologie, 15-16; Hubschmann, Persische Studien 11, and B.G.A. IV, 175, and VIII, Glossarium IX. To understand the ancient usage of the term the modern Parsi expression Dad wa ain din in the sense of religious law and custom helps us.

Kuehnemann, Die Kantischen Studien Schillers und die Komposition des 'Wallenstein', Marburg, 1889. Gneisse, Schillers Lehre von der aesthetischen Wahrnehmung, Berlin, 1893. Zimmermann, Schiller als Denker, 1859. Miscellaneous. Belling, Die Metrik Schillers, Breslau, 1883. Rudolph, Schiller-Lexikon, Erlaeuterndes Woerterbuch zu Schillers Dichterwerken, 2 vols., Berlin, 1890.