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Hagiography. St. i. 553-588; Z.f.r.P. ii. 438-459; Rom. xviii. 203. C. Wahlund, Die altfr. Anc. Krit. Studien zu Wace's Conception und Nicolas, 1878; life of St. Lang. Anc. Auban in Bezug auf Quelle," &c. Rom. Lit. xxiii. 436; Child, The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, 1888, p. v; Wolter, Bibl. Lyric Poetry. The remaining songs are mostly of a religious character. Anc.

A good discussion from the dramatic and histrionic point of view is contained in Bulthaupt, Dramaturgie des Schauspiels, 5th edition, Oldenburg, 1891. The Studien zu Schillers Dramen, by W. Fielitz, Leipzig, 1876, are excellent, but relate only to 'Wallenstein', 'Maria Stuart' and 'The Maid of Orleans'. Suggestive and eminently readable is Werder, Vorlesungen ueber Wallenstein, Berlin, 1889.

Karl Groos, Die reine Vernunftwissenschaft, systematische Darstellung von Schellings negativer Philosophie, 1889; Konstantin Frantz, Schellings positive Philosophie, in three parts, 1879-80; Ed. von Hartmann, Gesammelte Studien und Aufsätze, 1876, p. 650 seq.; Ad.

Letourneau, in Bulletin de la Soc. d'Anthropologie, 1888, vol. xi. p. 476. Walter, Das alte Wallis, p. 323; Dm. Bakradze and N. Khoudadoff in Russian Zapiski of the Caucasian Geogr. Society, xiv. Part I. Bancroft's Native Races; Waitz, Anthropologie, iii. 423; Montrozier, in Bull. Soc. d'Anthropologie, 1870; Post's Studien, etc.

But I hold all these more special results to be relatively insignificant by-products, and by no means the important thing." Philosophische Studien, x. 121-124. The whole passage should be read.

Bibl. See also Mussafia, "Studien zu den mittelalterlichen Marien-legenden" in Sitzungsh. der Wien.

T. H. Ribot, and others. In Germany this subject has its most important organ in the journal mentioned above. It numbers among its collaborators some of the most distinguished German physiologists and psychologists. As related to the same subject must be mentioned Wundt's Philosophischen Studien, and partly the Vierteljahrschrift fur Wissenschaftlichie Philosophie.

Nedich, Die Lehre von der Quantifikation des Prädikats in vol. iii. of Wundt's Philosophische Studien; L. Liard, Les Logiciens Anglais Contemporains, 1878; Al. Later years, however, have brought increasing interest in German speculation, and much of recent thinking shows the influence of Kantian and Hegelian principles.

Studien, a German periodical for English literature and philology. Act I. The First Scene is by Massinger, who almost always begins the joint plays. On page 210 we have When I should pass with glory to my rest. Compare Virgin Martyr, V. 2. 319. When thou shouldst pass with honour to thy rest. On page 211, And end that race You have so long run strongly, like a child,

But other things being equal, the bright, the clear, the saturated color is relatively more pleasing, and white, red, and yellow seem especially preferred. <1> Mental Development in the Child and the Race, 1895, pp. 39, 50, ff. <2> E. S. Baker, Univ. of Toronto Studies, Psychol. Series, No. 4; J. Cohn, Philos. Studien, vol. X; Major, Amer. Jour. of Psychol., vol. vii.