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"Can't pitch for beans," said Ling as the first shoe went wide. When the second fell beside it, the crowd laughed. "Now," said Ian Cameron, "he'll be mad wi' vainglory. He's a camstearlie ring' it an' a claverin' fu'." "Ho! larf ahead!" snapped the giant. "'Ow's a man to 'eave a bloody thing at a bloody stike?"

Started t' stike a match an' the man said don't make no light cos I don't want to hev ye see my face. Never let nobody see my face. Said he never went out 'less 'twas a dark night until folks was abed. Said we looked like good folks. Scairt me a little cos we couldn't see a thing. Also he said don't be 'fraid of me. Do what I can fer ye.

The incident passed without making any impression upon the minds of any but Thaddeus junior, who, taking his cue from Harry, vociferously asserted that he, too, wished a glass of milk, and in such terms as made the assertion tantamount to an ultimatum. Then Miss Jennie seemed to think it was her turn. "Hi doan't care fer stike. Hi wants chickin," said she. "I'n't there goin' ter be no kikes?"

'Wot 'ave yer been doin' ter yer fice? My! 'Nothin'. 'Garn! Yer can't 'ave got a fice like thet all by itself. 'I 'ad a bit of a scrimmage with a woman dahn the street, sobbed out Liza. 'She 'as give yer a doin'; an' yer all upset an' look at yer eye! I brought in a little bit of stike for ter-morrer's dinner; you just cut a bit off an' put it over yer optic, that'll soon put it right.

Bradley blushed; Bradley looked severe; Perkins had that expression which all parents have when other people's children are involved, and which implies the thought, "If you were mine there'd be trouble; but since you are not mine, how cunning you are!" But Harriet, the nurse, met the problem. She said: "Popper's goin' ter have stike, Jinnie; m'yby Mr. Perkins'll give yer lots o' gryvy.