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Updated: August 4, 2024

He will not risk being the first man shot, though his band may overpower the enemy afterward. At last we turned the corner around which the station-house should come in view. A thick, nauseous smoke was curling up from the site of the buildings. We came nearer. Barn, stables, station-house, all were a smouldering pile of rafters. We came still nearer.

The Oregon Short Line used to leave us there at a little station called Kuna. There is no Kuna now; the station-house is gone; the station-keeper's little children are buried between four stakes on the bare hill diphtheria, I think it was. Miss Kitty asked what the stakes were there for.

Hawkins preferred the dog-eared, and at the station-house, where many times he had long hours to wait in anticipation of a hurry-up call, he whiled away the time by browsing in his Dickens. He knew no other author, neither did he wish to. His epidermis was soaked with Dickensology, and when inspired by gin and bitters he emitted information at every pore.

Yield to no intimidation, and to no demand for money as the price of your safety. If any person warns you to desist from your accustomed business, give no heed to the warning, but arrest him and bring him to the nearest station-house as a conspirator.

One of the police came to the office and swore it must have been done by me; but when the superintendent told him that I had slept in the station-house all night, and that it could not have been me, he never said any more about it. The next place I robbed was a church; but all the rest were shops.

But Hefty knew where he was going as soon as he turned the next corner and was started off in the direction of the station-house. There was still quite a small crowd at his heels, and Stuff McGovern was driving along at the side anxious to help, but fearful to do anything, as Hefty had told him not to let any one know who his fare had been and that his incognito must be preserved.

No more o' ye's goin' to l'ave this room 'till I gits nine dollars and sixty cints. Here, Macaroni' and he called the Italian 'ring up the station-house and till thim to sind somebody 'round. Ye can't play that game on me!" "'My dear fellow, I said I had now to be as courteous as I could 'I don't want to play anything on you.

He wandered over the prairie that day and night, and the following four days, through the storm, freezing his limbs, nose, ears, and cheeks, taking no food or water until, on December 16th, he was found in a dying condition by Indian scouts, and taken to a station-house on the road.

A realization that the "gun-lugger" had friends "higher up" percolated at the station-house in another hour, when a limousine halted at the door, and a legal celebrity, whose ways were not the ways of police stations or magistrates' courts, stepped to the curb. "I am waiting to meet Mr. Lescott," announced the Honorable Mr. Wickliffe, curtly.

She stopped and, with a tenderly spoken admonition, covered her more closely with the roller towel. When the lighted station-house glimmered through the falling snow, Jinnie sighed with relief. "I couldn't 've carried you and the fiddle much farther, Milly Ann," she murmured. At that moment a tall figure, herculean in size, loomed out of the night and advanced hastily.

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