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"I should have mast-headed the youngsters for sky larking on board the Daring," observed Captain Staghorn to one of our officers, as he took a sharp and hurried turn on the quarter-deck. "I'm glad I don't belong to your ship, my jewel," thought I, as I overheard him. Gogles and I were sent below to our hammocks, and Mr Johnson followed us to put on dry clothes.

His expectation of dying soon might be mere fancy, but it was very evident that his spirits had never recovered the shock he had received when he killed Captain Staghorn, and he felt himself branded with the mark of Cain. I was far from recovered from my last wound, and, altogether, my anticipations of pleasure were tempered with many causes for sorrow.

I found that Captain Staghorn had invited a large party to breakfast with him on that morning, and that their arrival on board was every minute expected. "Ay, ay, sir," answered the first-lieutenant; and Captain Staghorn and Major O'Grady took their seats. The oars fell with a splash into the water, and the gig darted away in the direction taken by the Pearl's boat.

"Then you do not deny that you said something of the sort; indeed something to afford my friend Captain Staghorn sufficient ground for demanding an ample and perfect apology?" said the Major, in his former slow way. "I shall deny nothing," said my cousin, at length nettled beyond endurance.

As I shoved off from the frigate I saw a boat from the Pearl; the captain's gig I guessed, cross our bows and pull towards the shore of the Palisades some little way up the harbour. I was soon alongside the Daring, and as I crossed the quarter-deck with the note in my hand, I saw that Captain Staghorn, who was in full uniform, was about to go on shore.

I had been so eagerly watching the Pearl's gig, that I had not observed the Daring's, which now approached. A murmur ran through the ship there was something solemn in the sound. I looked down with an indefinite feeling of dread. Still, I expected to see Captain Staghorn sitting upright, with his disagreeable companion by his side.

In tropical waters many of them have fascinating colors and patterns. By simulating the colors of the coral polyps they escape the species that prey upon them. The different kinds of coral are generally designated by common names according to the different objects which they resemble. Thus, by similarity of form we have brain coral, organ-pipe coral, mushroom coral, staghorn coral, etc.

The name made me feel uncomfortable, for he was one of the soldier officers who had dined on board the Doris, and appeared to be on very intimate terms with Captain Staghorn. He was just that stiff, punctilious-mannered, grey-eyed person, for whom I have had always a peculiar antipathy.

"But I would not allow men like Captain Staghorn to retain His Majesty's commission, and to ride roughshod over his brother officers, just because he fears God's wrath less than they do. But you ask me how this duel is to be prevented? If you were to let the admiral himself know, he would not interfere.