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And then when all were vested he had stood holding out the boat to the rector and the rector had put a spoonful of incense in it and it had hissed on the red coals. The fellows were talking together in little groups here and there on the playground. The fellows seemed to him to have grown smaller: that was because a sprinter had knocked him down the day before, a fellow out of second of grammar.

"I'll be off at once, skipper," returned Frobisher, "and be back again not later than one o'clock." And the young man darted out of the chart-house, across the gangway, and out of the dock premises like a sprinter, leaving Drake staring open-mouthed after him. "He certainly can take a hint quicker than any man I've ever met," said that worthy, as he resumed the study of his chart.

The latter was such a forlorn hope that he gave up Buck for the moment, and ran back to the place where his repeating Winchester had fallen. Without stopping he scooped the rifle up as he passed. In his day he had been a famous sprinter, and he scudded now for dear life. It was no longer a question of secrecy.

He gained Godwin to his side, and together they lured the sons of Emma by Ethelred viz., Alfred and Edward to town, and, as a sort of royal practical joke, put out Alfred's eyes, causing his death. Harold was a swift sprinter, and was called "Harefoot" by those who were intimate enough to exchange calls and coarse anecdotes with him.

His beautiful stride swallowed distance. Then he sailed low and slid into the base as the ball struck Griffith's hands. Reddy was on third now, with no one out, with two balls upon Weir and no strikes. In the fury of sound runner and batter exchanged a glance that was a sign. The sprinter crouched low, watching Salisbury.

At this point a long drawn whistle sounded through the still morning air. "There she goes, Doc. She has struck the grade. Say, Doc " But his words fell upon empty space. The doctor had already disappeared. "Say, he's a sprinter," said Billy to himself. "He ain't takin' no chances on bein' late. Shouldn't be surprised if the Doc got there all right."

He's a good sprinter, and plays a rattling game of tennis, and he'd be a very fair baseball-player if he'd only let cigarettes alone. But he's soft and he's lazy. He's had too much money and taken things too easy. He's probably never earned a single cent or done a stroke of real work in his life.

"You must have been in athletics yourself seems to me I've seen you somewhere too." "Maybe. My name's Benson." "I remember a sprinter. And a good one, too." "Good enough with no Wefers or Duffey, or somebody like yourself around," protested the passenger, but immensely pleased nevertheless to be identified after so many years.

As a rule, Steve could hardly be called a genuine sprinter, and doubtless that was just why Jack had selected him for this special occasion, for the lighter fellows would of course be under suspicion, and interference focussed on their actions. There was pursuit, of course, and it could be seen that Bennett and Haldy were rapidly overtaking the fugitive.

Two posts, painted white and in line with each other one almost at the river's edge, the other 150 feet back marked the starting-line of a measured mile, and were eagerly watched by the men aboard the yacht. She sped toward the starting-line as a sprinter dashes for the tape; almost instantly the two posts were in line, the men with watches cried "Time!" and the race was on.