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Updated: August 3, 2024

They all sat their drinking psychic Three-Star in honor of the event. As Quimbleton said, helping Purplevein back to his motor "Hitch your flagon to a Star." Virgil and Theodolinda were returning from their honeymoon, which they had spent touring in Quimbleton's Spad plane.

His hand still smarted from the blow Archie had given it. The "spad" had not stopped a second in that attack, and he might not in this; the next thing he knew the knife might be between his ribs. "Drawed a knife, hev ye!" he snarled. "Drawed a knife, jes' like a spad that ye are! Ye oughter put yer hair in curl-papers!" Archie looked at the harmless knife in his hand.

I had a high-class round with an Albatros, a fine, clever fellow, between two and ten meters away from me. We only exchanged fifteen shots, and he snapped my right fore-cable just a few threads still held while I shot him in the small of his back. A fine spill! Now, to speak of serious things, I must tell you that the Spad 150 H.P. is not much ahead of the Halberstadt.

I was a prisoner, a prisoner because of my own folly, because I had dallied along like a silly girl, to "look at the pretty clouds." I saw in front of me a long captivity embittered by this thought. Not only this: my Spad was intact. The German authorities would examine it, use it. Some German pilot might fly with it over the lines, attack other French machines with my gun, my ammunition!

Drew knew what it meant to be wounded and falling out of control. But his Spad held together. He had a chance for his life. Supposing the German to have been merely wounded An airman's joy in victory is a short-lived one. Nevertheless, a curious change takes place in his attitude toward his work, as the months pass. I can best describe it in terms of Drew's experience and my own.

Larkin shouted, hoping that the Major would be stampeded into action that would provide the slenderest chance for him to get the mechanics to roll a Spad to the line before Cowan could know what was happening. "Better cut it! If the others can't find 'em, this one can't.

Overhead a few aeroplanes circled round amidst balls of white shell bursts. After lunch I saw a Spad shot down in flames, it was like Lucifer falling down from high heavens. The whole scene was enframed by a sluggish line of observation balloons. Sometimes groups of these would hastily sink to earth, to rise again when the menace of the aeroplane had passed.

They were glad they had made ready the speedy Spad plane, for it was in this that they would try to locate the hidden battery, and, having received detailed instructions from the major in command, the two lads climbed into their air plane and started off.

The Morane-Saulnier and the Spad are both monoplanes, but of different shape and construction from the original Morane; it is of the so-called monocoque type, made familiar to Americans by the Duperdessin monocoques which took part in the Gordon Bennett Cup race in Chicago in 1912.

My love for concentric circles of red, white, and blue dates from the moment when I saw the French cocarde on his Spad. "And if I had been a Hun!" he said, when we landed at the aerodrome. "Oh, man! you were fruit salad! Fruit salad, I tell you! I could have speared you with my eyes shut." I resented the implication of defenselessness.

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