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This communication properly required an answer, which might have been made in writing within the compass of ten lines. No sooner, however, had Tryon read the letter than he began to perceive reasons why it should be answered in person.

Speak your gratitude freely, and also your resolution of independence. Write as freely as you have been speaking to me." "May I shew you my letter, Sir, and have your opinion of it?" asked Jane. "By all means," replied Mr Barker, "and the sooner it is done the better." "We have been saved much pain," said Charles, "by your entire agreement with us.

Philip found himself sitting between an old labourer in corduroys, with string tied under his knees, and a shiny-faced lad of seventeen with a love-lock neatly plastered on his red forehead. Athelny insisted on trying his hand at the throwing of rings. He backed himself for half a pint and won it. As he drank the loser's health he said: "I would sooner have won this than won the Derby, my boy."

No, let the strumpet live with her vile seducer: she may bring us to shame but she shall never more deceive us. 'Wife, said I, 'do not talk thus hardly: my detestation of her guilt is as great as yours; but ever shall this house and this heart be open to a poor returning repentant sinner. The sooner she returns from her transgression, the more welcome shall she be to me.

Well, the ship was no sooner brought down to the dock-yard to have her ballast taken in, than our captain came down to her a little, thin, spare man, but a man of weight nevertheless, for he brought a great pair of scales with him, and weighed everything that was put on board. I forget his real name, but the sailors christened him Captain Avoirdupois.

It is true," he added pensively, "that when I am in the North I claim that a somewhat shadowy Scottish ancestry makes of me a Scot to the finger tips, but no sooner do I cross the Border upon my return to London than I revert violently to my English self.

She went off in the train, as gay as a lark; but she was no sooner out of sight than her face changed its whole expression, and she went up to London very grave and thoughtful. The traveling carriage was ordered at ten o'clock next day, and packed as for a journey. Lady Bassett took her housekeeper with her to the asylum. She had an interview with Sir Charles, and told him what Mr.

The emperor was obliged to follow. The ostentatious invasion was at an end, and scarcely a blow had been struck. But Sigismund had no sooner gone than trouble arose in Prague. The citizens, the nobility, and Ziska's followers were all at odds.

No sooner had a permanent home been assigned to the Court of Common Pleas, than legal practitioners fixed themselves in the neighborhood of Westminster, or within the walls of London.

The poor child has lost her life, and Miss Beaumont is turned out of doors in disgrace." "But," said Mrs. Fairchild, "how did she lose her life through disobedience to her parents? Pray tell me, Mrs. Barker." "The story is so sad I hardly like to tell it you," answered Mrs. Barker; "but you must know it sooner or later.