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The grain required for Alexandria and Constantinople, to be distributed as a free gift among the idle citizens, was eight hundred thousand artabo, or four millions of bushels, and the cost of collecting it was fixed at eighty thousand solidi, or about three hundred thousand dollars.

For it chanced that a sailor received for a single strap as much weight of gold as three gold solidi; and so others for other things of less price, especially for new blancas, and for some gold coins, for which they gave whatever the seller asked; for instance, an ounce and a half or two ounces of gold, or thirty or forty pounds of cotton, with which they were already familiar.

Thereupon several rolls of gold solidi were paid to the astonished student and they had been of little real benefit, since they had made it possible for him to keep pace with his wealthy and aristocratic classmates and share many of their extravagances. Yet he had not ceased to fulfil his duty to Didymus. Though he sometimes turned night into day, he gave no serious cause for reproof.

As soon as I could use my foot again I became an industrious and docile pupil under Cilo. From a child up to the time of this cruel experience, my youthful heart had clung to my nurse. She was a Christian from my father's African home I knew she loved me best on earth. What she gave me in the way of love was but copper alms. She threw golden solidi of love into Geta's lap in lavish abundance.

A blow with the closed fist, again, costs three shillings: but one with the open hand, six. The latter is an insult as well as an injury. A freeman is struck with the fist, but a slave with the palm of the hand. Breaking a man's head costs six solidi.

On the whole, woman's condition seems inferior to man's on some points: but superior on others. e.g. A woman's weregeld the price of her life is 1200 solidi; while the man's is only 900. For he can defend himself, but she cannot. On the other hand, if a man kill his wife, he pays only the 1200 solidi, and loses her dowry: but if she kill him, she dies. Again.

Alexander, even as a Christian and as Agatha's husband, remained an artist. The fortune accumulated by Andreas the solidi with which he had formerly paid the scapegrace painter's debts included was applied to the erection of a new and beautiful house of God on the spot where Heron's house had stood.

For a sprinkling of water I have secured the corn trade with Thessalonica and Constantinople; that is a hundred gold solidi for each drop." Yes, he had made a good bargain.

"The contrary, I think, can be easily proved. The maxim that the more we have the less we need desire, is also false, though in this world there are only a certain number of desirable things. He who already possesses one of ten solidi which are to be divided, ought really to desire only nine, and therefore would be poorer by a wish than another who has none.

Alexander, even as a Christian and as Agatha's husband, remained an artist. The fortune accumulated by Andreas the solidi with which he had formerly paid the scapegrace painter's debts included was applied to the erection of a new and beautiful house of God on the spot where Heron's house had stood.