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Updated: August 21, 2024

He was graduated from college in 1873, and after a summer at the family place on the Hudson, hot, fertile, and inaccessible, which his sister Alberta was at that time occupying, he had arranged a trip round the world. September of that year brought the great panic, and swept away many larger and solider fortunes than the Lanleys'. Mr.

He'd take the credit for forcing me to expose you, and he's convinced that everything of that kind he does makes him solider with the people and brings him a step nearer this chair I'm sitting in, which he regards as a step itself to the governorship and Heaven knows what not. He thinks he's detached himself from you and your organization till he stands alone.

Thereupon S. S. Cox, who then represented a district in Ohio, made a jocose reply to Schenck and a like defence of Chanler and ended with the remark that he hoped his "colleague regretted having been guilty of a groundless attack upon a solider of the Republic."

Its sons have excelled in the solider graces, in the throw of the lariat, the manipulation of the esteemed .45, the intrepidity of the one-card draw, and the nocturnal stimulation of towns from undue lethargy; but, hitherto, it had not been famed as a stronghold of æsthetics. Lonny Briscoe's brush had removed that disability.

Your bullets went right through him an' never hurt him." Henry forced a laugh. "Pshaw, Tom," he said. "Don't talk such foolishness." "I never talked solider sense in my life," said Ross. Henry and Shif'less Sol reloaded their rifles as they ran, and both were deeply troubled.

Every citizen of the United States ought to have one, if he has a dust of patriotism in him. I must have the lead cast into rough busts like that. "'Hollow, said he, 'of course. "'No, no, sais I, 'by no manner of means, the heavier and solider the better.

From being the best electric-lighted town in the kingdom and the most like a recumbent sun of anything you ever saw, it was become simply a blot a blot upon darkness that is to say, it was darker and solider than the rest of the darkness, and so you could see it a little better; it made me feel as if maybe it was symbolical a sort of sign that the Church was going to keep the upper hand now, and snuff out all my beautiful civilization just like that.

He bore very well the long waits that he had to make both at Sherbrooke and Richmond; but when the train left the Junction for Quebec at last, he settled himself in his seat with a solider content than he had felt before, and gave himself up to the pleasure of shaping the future, that was so obediently plastic in his fancy.

He was said to be wonderfully handsome, a great scholar he had taken a double first at college; a great athlete he had been captain of the Oxford boat at the University race; a very promising speaker who had already made his mark in the House of Lords; a sportsman who had shot tigers and other large game in India; a poet who had published a successful volume of verse under a pseudonym; a good solider until he left the Service; and lastly, a man of enormous wealth, owning, in addition to his estates, several coal mines and an entire town in the north of England.

Would the maples stand the storms as they do, and grow all the more; would the oaks get so great, if they sprung from a city hot-house?" "Are you as happy as you would be, Squire, if you could remember no affliction?" "I enjoy happiness of a higher, sweeter and solider kind, I assure you, as I think of all past sorrows.

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