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She had seen it there that very morning, when she was helping to dust the room, and took the opportunity of a spare half-hour to slip up and rest herself by reading it in the drawer. Unluckily, however, she had fallen asleep, and when I got the drawer out, there she lay, and I actually heard her snore. A shocking thing this education, ma'am, you see, and teaching people to read.

"Because I probably shall, and everyone makes such a fuss, and acts as if it was my fault." "I'm so tired I shan't even hear you," said Bessie, with a laugh. "Snore all you like, I won't mind!" Dolly looked surprised, and pouted a little. "If you don't mind, there's no use doing it," she said, after a moment, and Bessie laughed again at this unconscious confession.

For a moment he seemed surprised. Then, the smile dying from his face, he murmured quietly: 'Albine must be expecting me. The sun is already setting. But just as he was about to push some stones aside to make himself a passage, he was startled by a snore.

That punch, I say that punch was no better than paw aw-oison." And here the Count's head sank back, and he fell to snore. "IT WAS POISON!" said she. "WHAT!" screamed he, waking up at once, and spurning her away from him. "What, you infernal murderess, have you killed me?" "Oh, Max! don't kill me, Max! It was laudanum indeed it was.

I took off my coat and boots, and, overcome by fatigue, by the spirit of Butyga which hovered over the quiet lounge-room, and by the light, caressing snore of Sobol, I lay down submissively. And at once I began dreaming of my wife, of her room, of the station-master with his face full of hatred, the heaps of snow, a fire in the theatre.

All was silent, save that from the adjoining chamber came the sound of Meekin's gentlemanly snore. North took down a book from the shelf and tried to read, but the letters ran together. "I wish I hadn't taken that brandy," he said. "Fool that I am." Then he began to walk up and down, to fling himself on the sofa, to read, to pray. "Oh, God, give me strength! Aid me! Help me!

There are some people who slumber with their mouths open in the silliest fashion. There are others who snore loud enough to make the timbers shake. Most people look like the impish devils that Michael Angelo sculptured, putting out their tongues in silent mockery of the passers-by.

"I took this bottle, sling-shot, and bar of iron away from him. The woman thought I had better bring them with me and put them out of his way." He laid them on the floor in a corner. "I got him into bed," he continued, "and then hid the axe and came away. I guess they're all right now. When I left he had begun to snore." "Wal, we ain't all right," said Tunk, pointing to the room.

As soon as he had finished his horrible repast he lay down to sleep as before, and when we heard him begin to snore I, and nine of the boldest of my comrades, rose softly, and took each a spit, which we made red-hot in the fire, and then at a given signal we plunged it with one accord into the giant's eye, completely blinding him.

There are some people who slumber with their mouths open in the silliest fashion. There are others who snore loud enough to make the timbers shake. Most people look like the impish devils that Michael Angelo sculptured, putting out their tongues in silent mockery of the passers-by.