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Updated: August 10, 2024

"Ye, mass'! tell you doctor no good know nuffin' 't all 'bout it he kill you truss Ole Gabe he cure you. Come 'long, mass', no time t' be loss." I had for the moment forgotten the peculiar reputation which the black enjoyed that of a snake-charmer and snake-doctor as well, although I had so late been thinking of it.

Snakes! with their forked tongues, their beady eyes and glittering scales, their hissing and their rattling did I not already know them far too well on that day of my first circus when I saw the snake-charmer lift them up? They were old friends of mine, enemies rather, that peopled my nights with fear. Ah, those endless forests, and their horror-haunted gloom!

But his true education is what he makes of these things. If he hears of Theodoric with a yawn, we say the college-folk He must be imbecile. No, not imbecile! he may become a successful toreador, or snake-charmer, which things are out of our line!

I was seated on the verandah of the Grand Oriental Hotel which was crowded with French passengers from an outward-bound Messageries boat which had arrived that morning. A snake-charmer was showing off his tricks and reaping a rich harvest. The juggler went round with his collecting bowl, leaving his performing cobras in their basket.

It would break his mother's heart if Erasmus were to diverge from that course in theology which she has mapped out and were to embark in the picturesque profession of turning somersaults in public. Our family reputation would surely be irreparably damaged if our Fanny were to be beguiled into the fascinating but hazardous arts of a snake-charmer and a knife-thrower!

There were no hieroglyphics nor Latinic phraseology employed in the prescription of the snake-charmer. It was comprised in the phrase, "Chaw it!" and, along with this simple direction, a piece of the root scraped clear of the bark was put into my hand. I did as I was desired, and in a moment I had reduced the root to a pulp, and was swallowing its sanitary juices.

"I guess he'll chuck that when he's Don Juan's son-in-law; the old snake-charmer will never tolerate a mere bookman in his drawing-room. His blue Spanish blood would all turn green, I reckon." Thus was the humble calling of a novelist despised, even in Valoro!

And then Perry saw Betty standing in front of a booth, talking to a comic policeman. She was dressed in the costume of an Egyptian snake-charmer: her tawny hair was braided and drawn through brass rings, the effect crowned with a glittering Oriental tiara.

"Worth your weight in gold! Blow us to a ice-cream cone. Eh, Ossi?" The crowd had sifted out; all but one of the center aisle of grill arc-lights flickered out, leaving the Freak Palace to a spluttering kind of gloom. The Snake-charmer, of a thousand iridescencies, wound the last of her devitalized cobras down into its painted chest.

The advertisement caught the eye of the unfortunate emigrant, who at once proceeded to the hall where the snake charmer was holding his exhibition. He offered himself to be experimented upon; the fanatic snake-charmer was delighted, and an appointment was made for the same evening as soon as the "show" should be over.

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