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They all repeated the word in tones of conviction that word which they usually cast at the very worst smudges, at the pale, cold, glairy painting of daubers. 'All right, at last said Fagerolles, clenching his teeth. 'I demand the vote. Since the discussion had become envenomed, Mazel had been ringing his bell, extremely flushed at finding his authority ignored.

The difficulty is that our physical senses only perceive the surface of our surroundings, and that we have hitherto been looking at the Woof of Nature as though it were the glass of a window covered with patterns, smudges, flies, &c., comprising all that we call physical phenomena and which, when analysed in terms of Time and Space, produce the appearance of succession and motion.

He said a great deal more than he could make good. But the language of his prayer is by no means the language that becomes a penitent at God's throne. We have not to offer to make future satisfaction. No! that is impossible. 'What I have written I have written, and the page, with all its smudges and blots and misshapen letters, cannot be made other than it is by any future pages fairly written.

She put on a clean white frock every morning by breakfast time it was a sickly gray along the front the thick of the dinner-battle was writ large on it in black smudges. She herself explained: "I ain't sech er dirty 'ooman hit's dest I'se so big, dirt ketches me comin' and gwine." Air and more air she would have, regardless of weather.

Hilary watched him out through the wicket gate, then sat down on the solitary garden bench. Stephen's visit had merely awakened perverse desires in him. Strong sunlight was falling on that little London garden, disclosing its native shadowiness; streaks, and smudges such as Life smears over the faces of those who live too consciously.

"That is all," said Goldberger, quickly, and placed on the stand the head of the Identification Bureau. "Mr. Sylvester," he began, "you have examined the marks on these garments?" "Yes, sir." "What did you make of them?" "They are all unquestionably finger-marks, but most of them are mere smudges.

All day great vessels of war continued to arrive and take their places in the line. As far as the eye could see long gray shapes lay in the water two lines of them with perhaps half a mile between. Through this space the German warships would pass when they came out to surrender. When the eye could no longer see ships, the presence of other vessels was noted by smudges of smoke on the horizon.

She was almost discordant in her literalness, in her clear olive tints and the kol smudges under her eyes, the string of coins in the mass of her fallen hair, and her unfettered body. Beside her the slave-girls, crouching, looked liked painted shells.

"The stones were still in their native quarries had it been left to us to seek them; we are like the conies in the ruins, sir, the inheritors of what other hands have done." "Ay, and undone, I think, as well, for coming along I have noted axe chippings upon the walls, smudges of ancient fire and smoke upon the cornices."

Mr. and Mrs. Morrow were artists both; and she found them, blouse-swathed and disheveled, doing charcoal studies in a corner of the room apiece. Mrs. Morrow kissed Joy, arching over her so that the smudges on her pinafore wouldn't be transferred. Mr. Morrow came out of his corner and shook hands with her with less care, so that his smudges did come off on her.