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Seven years and the monoplane is on the scrap-heap; the Zeppelin has come as a giant destroyer and gone, flying rather ridiculously before the onslaughts of its tiny foes. In a recent article the editor of The Aeroplane referred to the erstwhile terror of the air as follows: "The best of air-ships is at the mercy of a second-rate aeroplane". Enough to make Count Zeppelin turn in his grave!

And then of a sudden her regard for respectability and Clyde's sense of what was right were thrown on the scrap-heap of unnecessary things. They had been useful and highly important in their time, but the death of Vanessa's husband made them of no immediate moment.

I tended the little forge we fortunately had aboard; I toiled wearily in a wretched scrap-heap unless I had the shakes too bad to stand. "One evening coming in with a candle I was startled to hear him say a little tremulously, 'I am lying here in the dark waiting for death. The light was within a foot of his eyes. I forced myself to murmur, 'Oh, nonsense! and stood over him as if transfixed.

"I found a couple of out-and-out fakes, and about ten or fifteen that had been altered in one way or another, and a lot of reblued stuff, but nothing from Fleming's collection. What did you find?" Rand laughed. "I found Rivers's scrap-heap, and some pistols that probably contributed parts to some of the stuff you found," he said.

To the men at the end of the fifteenth century scarcely a year but brought another bit of received and recognized thinking to the scrap-heap; scarcely a year but some new discovery found itself surpassed and in its turn discarded, or lessened in significance by something still more new.

The New York system was rebuilt three times in sixteen years; and many a costly switchboard has gone to the scrap-heap at three or four years of age. What with repairs and inventions and new construction, the various Bell companies have spent at least $425,000,000 in the first ten years of the twentieth century, without hindering for a day the ceaseless torrent of electrical conversation.

It was the most ambitious work of art that the family possessed, yet she felt it was not really suited, and accepted it provisionally, consigning it mentally to the large scrap-heap of Ridge belongings which she had already begun in the back yard. "Well, daughter," Mr. Ridge called out cheerily from the open door, "how you're getting on?" "Oh, papa!"

She understood it now. And yet she hesitated to give him an answer that was hypocritical. "I have known you all my life, Mr. Vane, and you are a very old friend of my father's." "Old," he repeated, "yes, that's it. I'm ready for the scrap-heap better have let me lie, Victoria." Victoria started. A new surmise had occurred to her upon which she did not like to dwell. "You have worked too hard, Mr.

Renner, but not so young he didn't know enough not to bother the ship's boson when he's gettin' results. And I snakes the hose off that scrap-heap, and before he's back on the quarter I had it bustin' with navy-yard water-pressure, and you betcher he sees it over the side, but he don't look too hard at it. No, sir, he don't, goes on the boson.

It will be remembered that I said after finishing my special course of study on the origin, authorship, history and character of the Bible and the processes of reasoning which it inspired, "that I gave the whole thing up, inspiration, revelation, church and religion, as a farce and a delusion, as 'sounding brass and tinkling cymbals'; and cast it all into the scrap-heap of superstition, legend, fable and mythology."