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Updated: August 11, 2024

He had more humor than wit, although many of his good things possessed the sharp scintillations of the last-mentioned article, as when Horace Greeley sat down on the Senator's new hat, and Nye, picking up the crushed stove-pipe, said, gravely, "I could have told you it wouldn't fit before trying it on."

Delano smiled at these small scintillations of wit, which in the talk of lovers sparkle to them like diamond-dust in the sunshine. "Has he ever told you that he loved you as well as your name?" asked she. "He never said so, Mamita; but I think he does," rejoined Flora. "What reason have you to think so?" inquired her friend.

The comic sheet of the metropolis, Vanity Fair, enframing the witty scintillations of "Artemus Ward," George Arnold, and a brilliant band, complained that this "nigger comedian" used or anticipated their best effusions.

He shrieked in mortal agony, and then in a whirl of dizzying circles seemed to go down in a tide of blackness sparkling with millions of sharp scintillations. LIKE COVERED FIRE Much Ado about Nothing, iii. 1. Philip Ashe found himself less and less able either to understand or to sympathize with the politics of Mrs. Wilson.

They both looked at one another steadily, but the white face of the woman did not blench before the scintillations of his eyes. 'What you know I don't know, he said, steadily; 'but whatever it is, keep it to yourself, or , catching her wrist. 'Or what? she asked, boldly. He threw her away from him with a laugh, and the sombre fire died out of his eyes.

Te rogamus, audi nos." At sight of the relic the multitude went delirious with affectionate joy. Tears ran from all eyes, and through glistening tears these eyes beheld a miraculous gleam emanate from the three fingers held up as if in the act of benediction. The arm appeared larger now, in the enkindled air. The dim light awoke strange scintillations in the precious stones.

I am not only a reformer on the line of the licensed or unlicensed saloon, but on other evils. I believe that, on the whole, tobacco has done more harm than intoxicating drinks. The tobacco habit is followed by thirst for drink. The face of the smoker has lost the scintillations of intellect and soul it would have had if not marred by this vice.

The chill splendors of the wintry day grated upon her dreary mood. How should she care for the depth and richness of the blue deepening toward the zenith in those vast skies? What was it to her that the dead vines, climbing the grim rugged crags, were laden with tufts and corollated shapes wherever these fantasies of flowers might cling, or that the snow flashed with crystalline scintillations?

MARRYING TALKERS. In marrying a wit or a talker merely, though the brilliant scintillations of the former, or the garrulity of the latter, may amuse or delight you for the time being, yet you will derive no permanent satisfaction from these qualities, for there will be no common bond of kindred feeling to assimilate your souls and hold each spell-bound at the shrine of the other's intellectual or moral excellence.

She had removed her gloves with their furry wristlets, and he saw that she had a ring on the third finger of her left hand. Its scintillations made a stirring address to his eye. Cope heard about the ring that evening, and about Amy Leffingwell's engagement to George Pearson the next day.

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