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Updated: August 11, 2024

The situation was saved by the presence of American destroyers in the vicinity. Their commanders and crews were actual witnesses of the sinking, and afterward interposed as life savers of the shipwrecked victims. The Balch rescued the passengers and crew of the Stephano, numbering 140, and other destroyers took on board the crews of the four freighters.

Great men are wise savers and wise spenders. Montesquieu has said of Alexander: "He found the first means of his prosperity and power in the greatness of his genius; the second, in his frugality and private economy; and the third, in his immense liberality to accomplish great objects. He spent but little on himself; but for public purposes his hand was always open."

"A similar yarn was told of Abraham Lincoln, which was equally false, but even more generally believed. "Out of a multitude of labor savers and world-beaters and world savers, too! to be credited to Mr.

Then came a heavy sag on it. "What's that?" asked one of the life savers. "It's two of 'em two of 'em, clinging to the buoy!" cried Blake, who was watching through a glass. "I guess the ship must be going to pieces too fast to allow for another trip. You've got to save two at once." "And we can do it!" cried the captain. "All together, now, boys! But they're going to get wet!"

"Pull, boys!" cried the captain of the life savers, and through the dashing waves, that threw their crests over the shipwrecked person, the buoy was hauled ashore. "Grab him!" cried the captain, as the first one saved was pulled up high on the beach. "It isn't a him, captain!" cried one of the men. "It's a woman!" "Bless my sea boots!" yelled the captain. "A woman!

'Course, they don't dress up much at the Station; but jest the same that air tie o' yourn, Brother Abe, is a disgrace. I told yew yew'd spile it a-wearin' it tew bed. Naow, I got a red an' green plaid what belonged to my second stepson, Henry O. He never would 'a' died o' pneumony, either, ef he'd a-took my advice an' made himself a newspaper nightcap last time he substituted with the 'Savers.

There was fun on the sand, and more fun in the water, and once the little ones got lost on an island. A great storm came up, and a ship was wrecked, and this gave the twins a chance to see the life savers, those brave men who risk their lives to help others. Then came closing days at Ocean Cliff, the home of Uncle William and Aunt Emily Minturn at Sunset Beach.

It must have been born for those workers in the warm heart of the mother of the Army, Catharine Booth. That mother explains much of the marvelous power of that organization. Their motto is, "Saved to Serve." Some seem to put the period in after the first word. That's bad punctuation and worse Christianity. We are saved to be savers. There is needed the divine Savior and the human saver.

Other lines were shot out after the first one and other rescue apparatus set up. From the position of her lights it could be seen that the Huronic was listing farther to the leeward all the time. The life savers worked untiringly and the throng of rescued grew apace.

The life savers left bread and water and planned to take further help. Meanwhile Capt. H. A. Hansen and the crew from Cleveland were operating several boats in North Dayton. There many of the poorer class live, and few of the buildings were substantial. Dozens of them were swept away, upturned and shattered.

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