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Updated: August 7, 2024

Miss Cahline an' Little Miss, they reside on th' lowah floah, an' Ah tek mahse'f up to that theh gahet. Yes, seh, Ah haf to scrooge aw Ah git mah haid knocked off, but Ah reckon Ah sho' will luhn to remembeh in Gawd's own time. An' they's a tehible grand hen-house.

"Did I git to catch Missy Crele!" he repeated, dazed. "When yo' drapped out'n Wolf Island Chute, Parson, that night she pulled out alone?" "No'm; I lost her down by the Sucks, but she drapped in by Caruthersville an' give me books an' books all fo' my mission boat!" "That big boat yourn?" "Yeh." "Where all was hit built?" "I don' remembeh, but Buck done give hit to me, him an' Jock Drones."

"Them judges, they goin' be watchin' yo'. Remembeh, it got to look right!" As Jockey Jones passed out of the paddock he clucked to his mount and glanced over toward the fence where Old Man Curry was still sitting. "Hawss," whispered little Mose, "did yo' see that? The ole man winked at us!"

"Ow penitent brother on'y asks you to bear his message. It's natu'al he should cling to the one pyo tie that holds him to us. O John, 'in wrath remembeh mercy! An' yet you may be the nearest right, God knows! O brethren, let's kneel and ask Him faw equal love an' wisdom!" Garnet rose to kneel, but March put out a protesting hand. "I wouldn't do that, sir."

Also not se hussbandt and se vife only; I sink you even cannot much Christ-yanity practice vis anybody close related vissout you idealize sem. But ze hussbandt and vife "You remembeh sat sehmon, 'Be' O yes, of course.

"Well, seh" the Captain became blithe "Jeff-Jack sent faw him you remembeh that night, President Gamble this was the second bill ayfteh the first hed been vetoed an' said, s'e, 'Leggett, if I give you my own word that you'll get yo' fifteen hund'ed a year as soon as this new bill passes, will you vote faw it? 'Yass, seh, says Leggett an' he did!"

Now yo' jes' remembeh Ah ain't go'n' a' have no sech doin's!" if it could have noted the quailing consternation of the mistress at these moments, it might have been puzzled; but of such phenomena it never knew.

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