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Updated: August 27, 2024

But Lady Jane's suggestions made him sanguine of success; and when he formally proposed, and was as formally refused, his self-love was bitterly wounded. Vanity in Levy was a powerful passion; and with the vain, hatred is strong, revenge is rankling.

Copies of the manifesto reached Paris on the 3rd of August, with immediate effect. To Louis the Prussian general's utterances appeared so incredible that they were promptly disavowed as a forgery. To the people they confirmed the suspicion that had been rankling for three long years, that had been envenomed by all the poison of Marat.

"Because, my lord, I have a boon to ask in some reward for the service I have rendered." "Ask it, my son." "Give me leave to keep these captives for myself." Asad considered him, frowning again slightly. Despite himself, despite his affection for Sakr-el-Bahr, and his desire to soothe him now that rankling poison of Fenzileh's infusing was at work again in his mind. "My leave thou hast," said he.

The twelve years which followed are called years of peace, but the peace was very uncertain, and fraught with elements of future wars. The three great grievances rankling with Spain were Sicily and Naples in the possession of Austria, Gibraltar and Mahon in the hands of England, and lastly, the vast contraband trade carried on by English merchants and ships in Spanish America.

Bivens shot a dozen times, missed, got disgusted and began to fret and complain. At first Stuart made no answer to his nagging suggestions until Bivens got to the one thing that had evidently been rankling in his heart. "Jim, you're the biggest puzzle I ever struck. Every time I look at you I have to rub my eyes to see if I'm awake.

So Erin, the crownless Queen, sat in the dust with fetters on her limbs, her broken sword fallen from her hand, and with mournful memories lying heavy on her heart. The feelings of disappointment and grief then rankling in every Irish breast are well mirrored in that plaintive song of our national poet, which open with these tristful lines:

They were fiery and emotional, after the manner of the sons of the Old Dominion, and the wrongs of many kinds which had long been rankling in their hearts now demanded to be requited by some action no matter how daring. Virginians never shrank from danger. Bacon had been wholly unprepared for this outburst; but he had a strong, calm soul, a ready brain, and the blood of youth.

Over and over again he cursed the men who had made Ali Partab prisoner, and over and over again: he wondered how by all the gods of all the multitudinous Hindoo mythology how, when, and by what stroke of genius he could make use of the stiff-chinned Rangar and convert him from being a rankling thorn into a useful aid. He dared not poison him yet.

Wurmser took advantage of the moment when success seemed to restore the good humor of the allies to coalesce with the Prussians, dragging the unwilling Bavarians in his train. This junction, however, merely had the effect of disclosing the jealousy rankling on every side. The greatest military blunders were committed and each blamed the other.

"I'll wager a gold angel thou art going to say something shrewdly unpleasant. That great lurdain, thy father, never asks permission to speak save when he has stilettos rankling where his honest tongue should be." "My lord," said Sholto, "bear a word from one who loves you. Go not into this town of Edinburgh.

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