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They, like all other men, had often occasion to say in the beautiful verse of Longfellow: "The day is cold, and dark, and dreary, It rains, and the wind is never weary, The vine still clings to the mouldering wall, At every gust the dead leaves fall, And the day is dark and dreary."

To the west of it is a grand fig-tree of the kind called Nyaungbin by the Burmese. It is a very beautiful tree, though now a little bare, for it is just before the rains; but it is a great tree even now, and two months hence it will be glorious. It was never planted, the headman tells me, but came up of itself very many years ago, and when it was grown to full size a Nat came to live in it.

Gets me in the morning, but I limber up all right." She stood beside him, uneasily frowning. "What are you goin' to do this winter when the rains begin? You can't run risks of being sick, and me not able to get to you." "Sick hell!" He shot a humorous look at her. "I ain't sick in God's own country it's only down here. Why y'ain't all as stiff as stone images in this sea-damp beats me."

To the south of it, the summer rains are heavy and continuous, without any showers in winter. Thus, lying between the opposite climates, it rarely enjoys the refreshing rains of either. Its back-bone is not a continuation of the rich Sierra Nevada, but of the coast range, which is poor in minerals.

It was a good thing the car was old, and that it mattered nothing how those stiff branches scraped against the sides during their forward progress. K. K. knew how to manage, all right, and, although the trail was quite rough in places where the heavy rains had washed the earth away, and left huge stones projecting, he was able to navigate around these obstacles successfully.

As it was the first of many afternoons when they sat before the fire in her pretty drawing-room that gallant little blaze that did its best to combat the gloom and chill of London's late winter rains and drank their tea and talked, the comfortable, scattering talk of old friends; although it was not because of the past that they were friends, but because of the present and their mutual need.

'Bother! said Tricksy, looking at the waves, which were tumbling over each other and whitening with foam; 'what are we to do while it rains? 'Sit round the nursery fire, of course, and talk, said Marjorie.

The subsequent successful results depend entirely upon the careful performance of this work. From the time the seed first begins to sprout, the beds must be kept very clean, in dry weather sprinkled daily, and protected from birds and animals by brambles strewn over, and by means of light mats from storms and heavy rains.

I have, for five-and-twenty years past, remarked in England that I never was prevented by rain from taking a walk every day, with going out while it actually rains; it may fall heavily for many hours, but a person who watches an opportunity gets a walk or a ride.

The Cathedral, with its four towers, rises from among the clustered cottages like a giant rook, split by the lightning and worn by the rains of centuries is into a thousand fantastic shapes. Resuming my walk in the afternoon, I climbed the heights west of the city, and after passing through a suburb four or five miles in length, entered the vale of the Cailly.