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Updated: August 11, 2024

"You're sure he was here all that time?" I asked. "No, sah, I ain't suah, but Ah seen him ev'y now an' den thu de ev'nin'." "Was he here at quarter past eight?" I questioned. "He was heah at twenty-fahv minutes past eight, Ah knows, cause Ah done brought him a drink." "You're sure of that?" "Yas, suh! Positive!" the negro answered. "'Cause Ah looked at de clock raght den an' der."

They sais, 'No no g'wan, tek him out a' yeh he ain' b'long in this place, that man ain'. So we walk an' walk an' ultimately he sais, 'If Ah'm go'n' a' git mah eight houahs sleep this naght, Ah mus' begin sometime, why not now? So th' Cunnel lay raght down on th' thu'faih an' Ah set mahse'f down beside him twell he wake up in th' mawnin', not knowin' what hahm maght come to him.

"So you can't get up this morning?" I asked. "Yes, seh, Mahstah Majah, Ah was a-gittin' up, but Ah was fohced to cough raght smahtly an' Miss Cahline she yehs it an' she awdeh me back to baid, seh. Then Ah calls out to huh that Ah ain't go'n' a' have no sech foolishness in this yeh place, an' so she stahts to come up, which fohces me to retiah huhiedly.

Ah's go'n' a' go West to mek mah fo'chun. Well, seh, Ah was lookin' fo' a place to mek some fo'chun mahse'f fo mah folks, an' that theah Cincinnati didn't seem jes' th' raght place to set about it, so Ah sais, 'Thank yo' ve'y much, Mahstah Cunnel, an' Ah stays by him fo' a consid'ble length of time."

And you ought to go raght down if you want to save the poo' fellah's lahfe; you' mothah's just freezin' him to death." "She is?" cried Alma. "Tchk!" She flew downstairs, and flitted swiftly into the room, and fluttered up to Beaton, and gave him a crushing hand-shake. "How very kind, of you to come and see us, Mr. Beaton! When did you come to New York? Don't you find it warm here?

"Oh, now, do you think we toak so much mo' than you do in the No'th?" the young lady deprecated. "I don't know. I only know you can't talk too much for me. I should like to hear you say Soath and house and about for the rest of my life." "That's what Ah call raght personal, Mr. Beaton. Now Ah'm goin' to be personal, too."

"Oh, now, do you think we toak so much mo' than you do in the No'th?" the young lady deprecated. "I don't know. I only know you can't talk too much for me. I should like to hear you say Soath and house and about for the rest of my life." "That's what Ah call raght personal, Mr. Beaton. Now Ah'm goin' to be personal, too."

And you ought to go raght down if you want to save the poo' fellah's lahfe; you' mothah's just freezin' him to death." "She is?" cried Alma. "Tchk!" She flew downstairs, and flitted swiftly into the room, and fluttered up to Beaton, and gave him a crushing hand-shake. "How very kind, of you to come and see us, Mr. Beaton! When did you come to New York? Don't you find it warm here?

She spread the cover on the table, and he advised her, as he saw she wished, against putting anything in the corners; just run a line of her stitch around the edge, he said. "Mr. Fulkerson and Ah, why, we've been having a regular faght aboat it," she commented. "But we both agreed, fahnally, to leave it to you; Mr. Fulkerson said you'd be sure to be raght. Ah'm so glad you took mah sahde.

Well, if Ah can toak go on, Mr. Fulkerson!" "Me talk? I can't breathe till this thing is done!" sighed Fulkerson; at that point of his mental drama the Colonel was behaving rustily about the return of his manuscript, and he felt that he was looking his last on Miss Woodburn's profile. "Is she getting it raght?" asked the girl. "I don't know which is which," said Fulkerson. "Oh, Ah hope Ah shall!

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