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He was picked up by an American whaler, the Sandy Hook, and taken back to America.” Now, one thing at all events was clear. Edgar Poe had never known Arthur Pym. This was the reason why, to leave his readers in exciting uncertainty, he had brought Pym to an endas sudden as it was deplorable,” without indicating the manner or the cause of his death.

Pym knew whole States which are vast and yet secret and fanciful; each is as big as a nation yet as private as a lost village, and as unexpected as an apple-pie bed.

"That is not exactly what I mean," explained Tommy, in a glow, but backing a little; "you wrote that chapter first, and then I I " "You rewrote it!" roared Pym. "You dared to meddle with " He was speechless with fury. "I tried to keep my hand off," Tommy said, with dignity, "but the thing had to be done, and they are human now." "Human! who wants them to be human?

For my own share, far be it from me to say or insinuate a word of disparagement against such characters as Hampden, Elliot, Pym; whom I believe to have been right worthy and useful men.

Pym, in his interesting lecture on what are called, I believe, the relations of the sexes, said that Smith was the slave of a lust for variety which would lead a man first to a negress and then to an albino, first to a Patagonian giantess and then to a tiny Eskimo. But is there any evidence of such variety here? Is there any trace of a gigantic Patagonian in the story?

Great minds wrote criticisms of what they called his life-work. The many persons who had been the first to discover him said so again. His friends were in demand for the most trivial reminiscences. Unhappy Pym cleared £ll 10s. Shall we quote? It is nearly always done at this stage of the biography, so now for the testimonials to prove that our hero was without a flaw.

"Infancy!" cried Moon, jerking his red pencil in the air with a gesture of enlightenment; "why, that explains it!" "I repeat," proceeded Inglewood, "that neither Dr. Pym nor any one else can account on any other theory but ours for the Warden's signature, for the shots missed and the witnesses missing." The little Yankee had slipped to his feet with some return of a cock-fighting coolness.

That aunt," continued Cyrus Pym, his face darkening grandly "that visionary aunt had been the dancing will-o'-the-wisp who had led many a high-souled maiden to her doom. Into how many virginal ears has he whispered that holy word? When he said `aunt' there glowed about her all the merriment and high morality of the Anglo-Saxon home.

Captain, are you sure that you made a good observation when you took the altitude yesterday?” “Certainly.” “So that your point ” “Gave 83° 20’ of latitude and 43° 5’ of longitude.” “Exactly?” “Exactly.” “There is, then, no doubt that we are on Tsalal Island?” “None, Mr. Jeorling, if Tsalal Island lies where Arthur Pym places it.”

Pym returned the liking of his old companion and benefactor; but Peters' sentiment was one of infatuation, such as only those persons who are 'close to nature' seem capable of feeling in its fullest development.