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She asked Costigan whether he had had a pleasant evening at the George, and he recounted the supper and the tumblers of punch. Then the father asked her how she had been employing the morning. "Bows came," said she, "at ten, and we studied Ophalia. It's for the twenty-fourth, when I hope, sir, we shall have the honour of seeing ye." "Indeed, indeed, you will," Mr.

Raymond, the only badge of his calling was his round clerical hat; and as all the miners in the neighbourhood wore hats of the same soft felt and only a trifle higher in the crown, this hardly amounted to a distinction. Humility's eyes were full of tears as she watched them from the door that morning. But Taffy felt as proud as Punch.

"How tiresome!" he exclaimed, "You make me sleepy, and if we don't jump up and start at once we shall never get off." "Well then, don't," said Punch appealingly. "Let's risk it, comrade. These two wouldn't be such brutes as to use their knives on us when we were asleep. Look here! What do they mean now?"

therefore he grants him an annuity of fifty pounds sterling. Dr. Johnson went to bed soon. When one bowl of punch was finished, I rose, and was near the door, in my way up stairs to bed; but Corrichatachin said, it was the first time Col had been in his house, and he should have his bowl;-and would not I join in drinking it?

I didn't like to say `No; but my own pony, Punch, was gone to be shod, and Bob had no time to wait.

After leaving his lordship you must come to my room, where you can have punch to the eyes, and there will be no interruption to our chat. You can then tell me anything you like; but it must come willingly, for I'd scorn to force a secret from any man that is, if it is a secret. Do you agree to this?"

There's the manager of the line called Vinrace a nice big Englishman, doesn't say much you know the sort. As for the rest they might have come trailing out of an old number of Punch. They're like people playing croquet in the 'sixties.

"At the present moment you are thinking that you will do to Diaz what he hopes to do to you some of these days get even with him for some fancied wrong. Am I right?" "I'll hand him a good stiff punch, one of these fine spring mornings, that's what I'll do," growled Tucker, his face flushing angrily. "Teddy Tucker, listen to me!" "I'm listening." "You will do nothing of the sort." "I won't?" "No."

"Your slippers are on the hearth, your gown is at the fire and the kettle is boiling to make your punch, Major Warfield," said the old lady in passing. "Umph! umph! umph!" grunted Black Donald in reply. The housekeeper then bade him good-night, saying that she was going at once to her room. "Umph!" assented Black Donald. And so they parted and this peril was passed.

It was "ballad, epic, newspaper, caucus, lecture, Punch, and library, at the same time. The best proof of its vitality is the crowd of writers which suddenly broke into this field." Shakespeare found a great mass of old plays existing in manuscript and reproduced from time to time on the stage.