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We reached the lodge a few minutes before the storm broke." "The lady, Mademoiselle Lannes, is safe and comfortable?" "Entirely so. Your Highness. The maid, Suzanne, is preparing her room for her." "You found Muller there waiting for you according to instructions?" Some prudential motive prompted John to reply: "Yes, Your Highness, he had everything ready and was waiting.

The history of the mind of Mendelssohn is one of the noblest pictures of the self-education of genius. Friends, whose prudential counsels in the business of life are valuable in our youth, are usually prejudicial in the youth of genius.

"You allow this this woman to come here to Brampton and teach school in a place where she can further her designs? What were you about?" "When the prudential committee appointed her, nothing of this was known, Mr. Worthington." "Yes, but now now! What are you doing, what are they doing to allow her to remain? Who are on that committee?" Mr. Flint named the men.

Louis, yielding to a sentiment of sympathy and urged by his nearest intimates, formally recognized the son of James as king of England; and the English people, enraged at what they looked on as a threat and an insult, threw aside all merely prudential considerations.

Did no feeling of shame crimson his face, no sinking of disgust oppress his heart, as he slipped into a house, where, although he kept aloof from actual contact with the ruffians, the details of an enormous crime of which he was the author were debated and settled? Prudential reasons doubtless kept him from forming a personal acquaintance with his agents.

And for me, even myself, saving that case of the Sifflication, which might have happened to ony one, I have always observed myself to be much more prudential in what I have done in your lordship's behalf, than even in what I have been able to transact for my own interest whilk last, I have, indeed, always postponed, as in duty I ought."

On the contrary, it was at this time slightly withered, and had been partially stifled by prudential considerations, so that it was difficult to discover among the varied and tangled growths which surrounded it. It is an interesting problem whether Balzac, in spite of his brave words, realised that Madame Hanska no longer cared for him.

Our natural impulses for good are now directed into an artificial channel, and it is no longer optional whether they shall fall into that channel. The nature of the case requires all to conform alike to the general arrangements, and whoever is not sufficiently urged by the natural motives, is brought under the spur of a new kind of prudential motive Punishment.

When their eyes fell upon those objects, there was a light in them which meant one thing murder; murder tempered, no doubt, by those prudential considerations which always restrain persons from acts which are contrary to the general feeling of the society in which they live.

These prudential measures have not served to improve the legislative output, and the reformers are now crying for more drastic remedies. In the West the tendency is to transfer legislative authority from a representative body directly to the people.