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One day when I was laid up at Possil on my library sofa from a wound in the knee, she was kind enough to sit with me for two hours, and was really very entertaining, from the number of anecdotes she remembered of queens in the olden time. When she left the room she expressed herself kindly to Mrs.

"By the way," said Gazen to me, "I've got a new theory for the rising and sinking of the sun behind the cliffs at Womla a theory that will simply explode Professor Possil, and shake the Royal Astronomical Society to its foundations." The astronomer and I were together in the observatory, where he was adjusting his telescope to look at the sun.

"Mr. President," exclaimed the celebrated Possil, starting to his feet, "I should like to ask whether it is altogether in good faith for a Fellow of this Society to bring forward what he calls a discovery, and keep back the most important part of the proof. Might I enquire of the author of the paper what is the nature of this suppressed evidence?"

"Simply that I have been there," answered Gazen, forgetting his promise to me in the excitement of the combat. "Where?" demanded the astonished Possil. "Venus." There was a loud burst of sceptical laughter.

I have begun to keep a record of our discoveries, and some day when I return to town I hope to read a paper on the subject before the most potent, grave, and learned Fellows of the Royal Astronomical Society I rather think I shall surprise them I do not say startle it is impossible to startle the Fellows of the Royal Astronomical Society or even to astonish them you might as well hope to tickle the Sphinx but I fancy it will stir them up a little, especially my friend Professor Sylvanus Pettifer Possil.

No doubt that eminent authority, Professor Sylvanus Pettifer Possil, regards them as aerial hurricanes; but the more I see, the more I am constrained to regard Sylvanus Pettifer Possil as a silly vain asteroid." While Gazen was yet speaking we both became sensible of an unwonted stillness in the car. The machinery had ceased to vibrate.

No one, of course, could be insensible to the presence of Miss Janet Suttie or Mrs. Campbell of Possil. When things are as pretty as that, criticism is out of season. But, on the whole, it is only with women of a certain age that he can be said to have succeeded, in at all the same sense as we say he succeeded with men. The younger women do not seem to be made of good flesh and blood.

By the terms of our agreement he was forbidden to divulge the secret of our expedition until my own account appeared, but some telescopic observations he had made since coming home had provided him with independent proofs. "Do you think Professor Possil will be present?" said I to him, as we dined together before we went to the meeting. "Sure to be," replied Gazen.

Gazen was intensely delighted at this discovery, partly for its own sake, but mainly, I think, because it would afford him an opportunity of crushing the celebrated Pettifer Possil, his professional antagonist, who, it seems, is bitterly opposed to the doctrines of Schiaparelli.

No one, of course, could be insensible to the presence of Miss Janet Suttie or Mrs. Campbell of Possil. When things are as pretty as that, criticism is out of season. But, on the whole, it is only with women of a certain age that he can be said to have succeeded, in at all the same sense as we say he succeeded with men. The younger women do not seem to be made of good flesh and blood.