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In the geranium, the stamen and the pistil in the same flower mature at different times. In some species, as among the lilies, the style is so long that the pollen could not fall upon it without artificial aid. Some flowers are so constructed that they can be fertilized by certain kinds of insects and by no others; among these are the orchids and our clovers and milk-weeds.

Some bell-flowers close at night; others hang the mouths downwards; others nod and turn from the wind; stamens bound down to the pistil in Amaryllis formofissima; pistil is crooked in Hemerocallis flava, yellow day-lily Thorns and prickles designed for the defence of the plant; tall Hollies have no prickles above the reach of cattle Bird-lime from the bark of Hollies like elastic gum

All they desire is to read their manuscript aloud to a receptive listener. Thus are the literary germs vitalized by giving our thoughts to another we really make them our own. Only well-sexed people produce literature poetry is the pollen of the mind. Meter, rhythm, lilt and style are stamen, pistil and stalk swaying in the warm breeze of springtime. An order for arrest was out for Voltaire.

Under its touch the central stalk lifted itself up and became the trunk of the tree; the veins of the leaf were extended and became boughs and branches; each filament became a leaf and spray; the imagination revealed each petal and stamen and pistil, as after the leaf type, and gave a new philosophy to the science of herbs and shrubs.

The leaves of this are of a glossy dark- green and the flower very like the leaf; only, more curved and tinted inside, with a hue of pale buff that becomes pinkish at the extremities, the centre pistil being of the same colour. It belongs to the arum family.

XIX. CONFEDERATE MALES, Syngenesia. XX. FEMININE MALES, Gynandria. Many Stamens attached to the pistil. The next three Classes consist of plants, whose flowers contain but one of the sexes; or if some of them contain both sexes, there are other flowers accompanying them of but one sex. XXI. ONE HOUSE, Monoecia. Male flowers and female flowers separate, but on the same plant.

The girl had heard of Owen: they met as enemies a very good way to begin an acquaintance. It was Nature's old, old game of stamen, pistil and pollen, that fertilizes the world of business, betterment and beauty. They quarreled. "You are the man who puts your name on the package?" "Yes." "And yet you own no mill!" "True but " "Never mind. You certainly are proud of your name."

The nucleus of the tube-cell has meanwhile passed into the tube, as does also the generative nucleus which divides to form two male- or sperm-cells. The male-cells are carried to their destination in the tip of the pollen-tube. Pistil and embryo-sac. The ovary contains one or more ovules borne on a placenta, which is generally some part of the ovary-wall.

Surely, again, we are in the Tropics. Beyond it, again, blaze great orange and yellow flowers, with long stamens, and pistil curving upwards out of them. They belong to a twining, scrambling bush, with finely-pinnated mimosa leaves. Yes: surely we are in the Tropics. I turn my chair and look into the weedy dell.

Flowers stalkless, with pointed, straw-coloured petals, forming a shallow cup about ¾ in. across the top. Stamens and pistil white, with a tinge of red at the base. Flowering-season, November. Under cultivation, this Brazilian species forms a small, straggling shrub, about 3 ft. high, but in its native woods its stems are many feet long, and pendulous from the branches of trees.