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He gazed from her eyes to her mouth, thence to her bosom, and to her full round naked arms, wet, mottled with the chill of the water, and firm as marble. "What a nice-looking girl you are!" he murmured, though the words had not been necessary to express his sense of her magnetism. "Ah, you should see me Sundays!" she said piquantly. "I don't suppose I could?" he answered

But it was the combination of personality with great and persistent good luck which made Mary Grant remarkable, and her behaviour was puzzling and piquantly mysterious to those who had no clue to her past.

My maid is an excellent cook and one is very comfortable chez-moi." And often the prospect thus sketched would piquantly allure a client. Nevertheless at intervals she could savour a fashionable restaurant as well as any harum-scarum minx there. Her secret fear was still obesity.

"Excellent!" cried I, laughing extravagantly, "but like the planet you are pleased to compare me with, I must reserve my splendid rising till I have obtained fresh powers from the aid of night."* *<Mais avant de me lever il faut que je me couche>, is the witty reply in the original, but which it is impossible to render fully and piquantly through the dilution of a translation. -tr.

His mouth was a triumph of its class. It was the cleanly-cut, piquantly pursed-up mouth of William Pitt, as represented in the well or little known bust by Nollekens a mouth which is in itself a young man's fortune, if properly exercised.

He had written much about our shortage of genuine spiritual values; about "the continual frustrations and aridities of American life." He was a member of various groups the Imagist group, the Egoist group, the Sphericists, other groups piquantly named; versed in the new psychology, playing upon the word "pragmatism" as upon a violin.

Madam Blennerhassett concealed the secret uneasiness she felt, and did all she could to contribute to the pleasure of the occasion by every delicate art of hospitality. She sang a Scottish song, she spoke piquantly of the amusing phases of life in a new country, and of her husband's need of congenial literary associates. "He is compelled more and more to depend upon his books.

What a transparent, womanly little creature she was, to be sure! He had not been altogether certain of himself as he walked out to the old Bolton place that morning. But oddly enough, this girlish jealousy of hers, this pretty spite he found it piquantly charming.

I feel I have done my part in the matter by coming here to see you and talk to you and make what I consider a very kind and reasonable proposition you have refused it and there is no more to be said." She settled her dainty hat more piquantly on her rich dark hair, and smiled agreeably. "Will you show me the way out?

Chopin, while piquantly and daringly varying the tonality prevailing in art-music, hardly ever departs from it altogether he keeps at least in contact with it, however light that contact may be now and then in the mazurkas. Further, he adopted only some of the striking peculiarities of the national music, and added to them others which were individual.