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Updated: August 5, 2024

Here's an hour to send a grandfatherly man a-groping for a keg o' powder!" A wheezy cough clos'd the sentence, as a key was with difficulty fitted in the lock. "Ugh ugh! Sure, the lock an' I be a pair, for stiff joints." The door creak'd back against me, and a shaft of light pierc'd the darkness.

What hard heart can refuse its compassion to personages abused by a dream, and that dream the dream of a History! Oh, wonderful poet, thou shalt be immortal, if my eulogiums can make thee so! "Already, pierc'd by freedom's searching rays, The waxen fabric of his fame decays!" This author cannot certainly be compared with Mr. Hayley. We know not by what fatality Dr.

The feast it was nigh, and the mass it was nigher, When before the fair Princess low looted a squire, And deliver'd a garment unseemly to view, With sword-cut and spear-thrust, all hack'd and pierc'd through; All rent and all tatter'd, all clotted with blood, With foam of the horses, with dust, and with mud; Not the point of that lady's small finger, I ween, Could have rested on spot was unsullied and clean.

This was also full of People of both Sexes, who lay fastened to the ground with so many Iron Spikes on Fire, fix'd thro' them, and so thick set in their Bodies, that from Head to Foot there was scarce any where, the Breadth of a Finger, which had not been pierc'd.

And have already pierc'd my very Soul! May I approach her, Brother? Cel. Friend. Lady, I am a Soldier yet in my gentlest Terms I humbly beg to kiss your lovely Hands Death! there's Magick in the Touch. By Heaven, you carry an Artillery in every part. Dia. Friend.

Yes, the American Quakers were much persecuted almost as much, by a sort of consent of all the other sects, as the Jews were in Europe in the middle ages. In New England, the cruelest laws were pass'd, and put in execution against them. As said, some were whipt women the same as men. Some had their ears cut off others their tongues pierc'd with hot irons others their faces branded.

He took it up: But scarce was it unfolded to his sight, When he, as if an arrow pierc'd his eye, Started, and trembling dropp'd it on the ground.

But since great Lords, as well as other meaner sorts of persons, are shot and pierc'd by one and the same blind Cupid, they are in like manner subject to such casualities of adversities and pleasures; and every one perceives, when it is too late, what kind of election he hath made; just as they do who begin a War, but before its half finished are weary of it. Therefore

On her left arm a target old and worn, Pierc'd with innumerable darts was born, And brands of fire supported in her right, The impious world with flames and ruin threat. The gods descending, leave their still abode, And the stars wondring miss their usual load; For all the inhabitants of Heaven come, Choosing their sides, with factious fury down.

Moreover, the honest delving, as of late years, by the German and British workers in comparative philology, has pierc'd and dispers'd many of the falsest bubbles of centuries; and will disperse many more. It was long recorded that in Scandinavian mythology the heroes in the Norse Paradise drank out of the skulls of their slain enemies.

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