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Updated: August 8, 2024

"It's not him I'm so much afeared of as that Signor," said Tim. "He's such a terrible sharp one, Diana says." "But the perlice must be after the children by now," persisted Mrs. Peter. "And every one far and wide knows of Crookford Fair and the gipsies that comes to it." "P'raps they've never thought of gipsies," said Tim; and in this, as we know, he was about right. The day passed peacefully.

They were grumbling about their work when I handed the thing over to you." I listened, fascinated by the marvel of the thing. I could hear perfectly, although the men must have been in the front of the garage. "Well, there's two of them yer won't haveter wash no more," one man was saying. "A feller from the perlice come an' copped off two that sixty tin can and the ninety Despard."

'Ad I been let alone, I should 'ave made my fortune, but the crowd was so big and the curiosity so great that it took the perlice all their time to keep the pavement from being blocked. It wasn't that the public didn't like it enough, it was that the public liked it too much, that was the reason of my misfortune. 'What do you mean? said Hubert.

Do yer think the perlice would 'ave stood it? Do yer think the public would 'ave stood him doing masterpieces on the pavement? I'd give 'im just one afternoon. Them boys would 'ave got 'im into trouble, just as they did me. Raphael would 'ave been told to wipe them out just as I was.

"I told yer he was a bilk. You look after your spoons, Thomas; I expect that's wot he's come for. Now you find that bob, Sonny, or I fetches the perlice." Then an inspiration flashed on Godfrey's bewildered mind. Suddenly he recollected that, by the direction of heaven, Mrs. Parsons had sewn a ten shilling piece into the lining of his waistcoat, "in case he should ever want any money sudden-like."

'Well, that is a drawing from Gainsborough's celebrated picture of Medora a-washing of her feet.... But the perlice wouldn't 'ave it any more than my original, 'e said it was worse than the bathers at Margaret, and when I told the hignorant brute wot it was, 'e said he wanted no hargument, that 'e wouldn't 'ave it.

But behind the locked door a poor ragged boy was sobbing his eyes out, twisting and writhing himself about in real agony of mind. "Oh, my master and missy, why did I leave you? What will they be doing? Oh they was right and I was wrong! The perlice is a bad, wicked, unbelieving lot oh my, oh my! if onst I was but out o' here " but he stopped suddenly.

The moment he became aware of her presence, however, he stopped and fixed upon her his penetrating gray eyes. His gaze was so persistent and stern that she was disconcerted, but she spoke with her accustomed assurance: "You ain't gwine ter call de perlice, is you, Mars' Clancy?" and she placed her arms akimbo on her hips.

Otherwise the perlice. That, mind you, was my own brother-in-law. Oh, he's a nice man, I don't think!" Thomas Blake nodded his head as one who, though pained by the hollowness of life, is resigned to it, and proceeded to doze. The crowd gazed at him and murmured. Sidney Price, however, stepped forward with authority.

'But what is it? What has happened? Jane felt her energies revive at this appeal for help. It was the best thing that could have befallen, now that she was wearily despondent after yesterday's suffering. 'Her 'usband's dead, Miss. 'Dead? 'But that ain't the worst of it. He was took by the perlice last night, which they wanted him for makin' bad money.

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