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Very hot baths are also inadvisable; but pleasantly warm baths, taken at such frequency as found to be of benefit to the individual, relax the peripheral circulation relieve the tension of the internal vessels, lessen the work of the heart, and promote healthy secretion of the skin, the skin of arteriosclerotic patients often being dry.

When the finger-key is depressed, it raises the bar c8, which in turn trips the yoke-trigger c6 from under the cam-yoke c2, permitting the latter to fall, thereby lowering the cam c4 into peripheral engagement with the rubber roll, at the same time disengaging the cam from the stop-pin c7.

It may be seriously slowed by nervous shock, fear or sudden peripheral contractions, spasm of muscles, or convulsive contractions, or it may be stimulated to greater rapidity by nervous excitement. It may be slowed or made rapid by reflex irritations, and it may be seriously interfered with by cerebral lesions; pressure on the vagus centers in the medulla oblongata will make it very slow.

Extrasystoles causing arrhythmia give a more or less regularly intermittent pulse, while the examination of the heart discloses an imperfect beat or the extrasystole which is not transmitted or acted on by the ventricles, and hence the intermittency in the peripheral arteries. This condition may be due to some toxemia, nervous irritability, or some irritation in the heart muscle.

In these acute cases there is probably only a mere apposition, and the blocking up of the sclero-iridian angle is largely mechanical. Here the root of the iris is readily removed in its entirety and a really peripheral iridectomy is easily done. When, however, a true adhesion between corneal and iridic tissue takes place the filtration angle is not so easily opened.

According to this theory, the two processes differ in their degree of energy only, this difference being connected with the fact that the former involves, while the latter does not involve, the peripheral region of the nervous system.

Camphor in doses large enough to cause convulsions stimulated the vasomotor center. In smaller doses it generally stimulated the center moderately, but not always. Even when this center was stimulated, however, the camphor did not necessarily increase the blood pressure. The rise in blood pressure from epinephrin is due entirely to its action on the peripheral blood vessels and the heart.

Sight now suffices to awaken the reaction which touch at first was needed to produce; the will has extended its line of battle and thrown out its scouts farther afield; and pain has been driven back to the frontiers of the spirit. The conflicting reactions are now peripheral and feeble; the pain involved in aversion is nothing to that once involved in the burn.

This cautious peripheral attack, which does so much honour to the scientific army and has won it so many useful victories, is another proof that science is nothing but common knowledge extended.

The first cause points pretty distinctly to a peripheral origin, whereas the others appear to refer mainly, if not exclusively, to central derangements. Excessive fatigue appears to predispose the central structures to an abnormal kind of activity, and the same effect may be brought about by emotional agitation and by the action of poisons.