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It awakens nervous stimuli and nervous transmissions to normal in all sluggish nerve functions. If for these reasons the heart acts more perfectly, and the nutrition of the heart muscle improves, it acts as a cardiac tonic. Many times, by improving the action of the heart, and also by the action of the drug on the vasomotor center, the pressure in the peripheral circulation may be increased.

There is also relief of the heart when it is laboring to overcome a high resistance. One drop of the official spirit of nitroglycerin on the tongue will cause a lowering in the peripheral pressure pulse, the radial pulse becoming larger and fuller. Int.

Also, atropin sometimes quiets cardiac pain, but it will not steady the heart, may irritate it, and will increase vasomotor tension, although peripheral nerve irritation may be diminished. Hence a fair dose of morphin hypodermicaly with a small dose of atropin, if respiratory depression is feared, is a physiologic method of bettering the condition.

The exhaustion from the respiratory muscular efforts, together with the drowsy condition caused by the cerebral hyperemia and from the imperfectly aerated blood, causes finally a dulling of the mental acuity, and the nervous excitement abates, which, with the exhaustion, gives a relaxation of peripheral arterioles: the resistance to the flow of the blood is removed, the surface of the body becomes warm, the heart quiets down by the equalization of the circulation, and the paroxysm is over.

It is more central, crucial, and representative than nutrition, which is in a way peripheral only; it is a more typical and rudimentary act, marking the ideal's first victory over the universal flux, before any higher function than reproduction itself has accrued to the animal.

For, as is well known, the peripheral area of the retina, although insensitive to impressions of form, is highly sensitive to impressions of movement. "My remarks on the danger to respectable persons of meddling with stolen property gave Mr. Bamber his cue. "'Stolen property, he roared. ''Oo said anything about stolen property?

One of the most marked effects is the suspension of locomotion of the legs and arms, and the direct loss of will power which must supervene before voluntary muscular inactivity, which amounts to partial paralysis in the hands or feet, or peripheral extremities of the same.

Its peripheral portion is hardened by the heat, while the sap in the interior almost entirely disappears. A hollow cylinder with a well-sheltered cavity is thus formed, and the Colaptes proposes to utilise it as a storehouse. His acorns will there be well protected against external influences and against the birds whose beaks are too weak to pierce the agave.

Cold sponging in the morning may be advisable, but may do harm when there is high tension; warm, not too hot, baths are of value. Anything is of value that improves the peripheral circulation and prevents the extremities from being cold. The value of the Nauheim or other carbonated baths is perhaps often a question.

And even in the case of hearing and sight, we vaguely refer the impressions, as such, to the appropriate sense-organ. There is, indeed, in these cases a double local reference, a faint one to the peripheral organ which is acted on, and a more distinct one to the object or the force in the environment which acts on this.