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Updated: August 28, 2024

he discerns 'tis nothing but counterfeit and gullery. "Ut satius multo jam sit parere quietum, Quam regere imperio res velle."

If by being Secretary to the Pope he saw he could procure what he wanted, which was "obtaining a support," stick to the Secretariate he would; accordingly, he staid in Rome, devoting himself to his books. "Parere temporis semper sapientis est habitum.

From Jerome’s distinction, that a king praeest nolentibus but a bishop volentibus, Marcus Antonius de Dominis well concludeth: Volentibus gregi praeesso, excludit omnem jurisdictionem et potestatem imperativam ac coactivam et solam significat directivam, ubi, viz., in libertate subditi est et parere et non parere, ita ut qui praeest nihil habeat quo nolentem parere adigat ad parendum.

Formerly a newly-married husband was silent and bashful; now the wife surrenders herself to the first coachman that comes. Formerly the blessing of children was woman's pride; now if her husband desires for himseli children, she replies: Knowest thou not what Ennius says? "'-Ter sub armis malim vitam cernere Quam semel modo parere .

I am afraid that at some future time will be applied to Scott * quia turpe ducunt parere minoribus, et quæ imberbi didicere, senes perdenda fateri. Not self-government is on trial, and not the genuine principle of democracy. It is not the genuine, virtual democracy which conspired against the republic, and which rebels, but an unprincipled, infamous oligarchy, risen in arms to destroy democracy.

Cavalcanti, being exiled from Florence, went on a visit to the shrine of Saint James of Compostella; and upon the way, passing through Toulouse, he was captivated by a beautiful Spanish girl, whom he has made celebrated under the name of Mandetta: "In un boschetto trovai pastorella, Più che la stella bella al mio parere, Capegli avea biondetti e ricciutelli."

Human laws, in Mr Hooker’s judgment, must teach what is good, and be made for the benefit of men. Demosthenes describeth a law to be such a thing cui convenit omnibus parere which it is convenient for every one to obey. Yes, we find, 1 Sam. ii, one of whom it is said, Thus it must be, for Hophni will not have it so, but thus his reason is, For he will not.

Formerly a newly-married husband was silent and bashful; now the wife surrenders herself to the first coachman that comes. Formerly the blessing of children was woman's pride; now if her husband desires for himseli children, she replies: Knowest thou not what Ennius says? "'-Ter sub armis malim vitam cernere Quam semel modo parere .

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