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Updated: August 25, 2024

Azara, on the proportion of men and women among the Guaranys; on Palamedea cornuta; on the beards of the Guaranys; on strife for women among the Guanas; on infanticide; on the eradication of the eyebrows and eyelashes by the Indians of Paraguay; on polyandry among the Guanas; celibacy unknown among the savages of South America; on the freedom of divorce among the Charruas.

Apropos of the religious fervor of the Paraguayan women, M. Forgues relates that there is not a single house in Paraguay occupied by natives which does not possess its two penates in the shape of wooden images of a saint, which are kept enclosed in a glass box and are the objects of incessant devotion.

The lands known as the 'Chaco' district, lying between the Paraguay and Pilcomayo rivers, are said to be the best for grazing purposes in all South America. Years ago they were considered worthless swamps, but this is all changed now. "Well, Lyman entered into negotiations with the president of this alleged republic and got his concession.

These Campos, which take their name from that of a tribe of wild Indians, are vast, barren table-lands, entirely destitute of vegetation; and in them the sources of the tributary streams of three great rivers, the Topayos, the Madeira and the Paraguay, take their rise.

After becoming engaged to her he went to the war in Paraguay, and after an absence of two years, during which he had distinguished himself in the field and won his captaincy, he returned to marry her. She was at her own house waiting in joyful excitement to receive him when his carriage arrived, and she flew to the door to welcome him.

I ; for France, by Henri Fouqueray, Vol. I , Vol. II ; for Paraguay, by Pablo Pastells, Vol. I ; for North America, by Thomas Hughes, 3 vols. VII . Charles Beard, The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century in its Relation to Modern Thought and Knowledge is a strongly Protestant estimate of the significance of the whole movement.

But all that was as nothing to Bob. For 't was not grove or forest or beast or bird that the vagabonds were seeking. When they had crossed the Amazon River, some of the band stopped in places that seemed inviting. But Bob and the rest of the company went on till they crossed the Paraguay River; and there, in the western part of that country, they made themselves at home.

Eight days later he is in Asuncion, and ready to take passage on the Republica for Buenos Ayres. "From the preceding extracts," he writes, "a very exact idea may be formed of a journey in the interior of Paraguay at the present time.

It is very rarely that the youngest boy wishes to be a girl, or that men covet the vaunted privileges of womanhood. Margaret Fuller alludes feelingly to this prevailing sentiment in her noble Essay on Woman, and quotes Southey the despairing cry of the Paraguay Woman, "lamenting that her mother did not kill her the hour she was born her mother, who knew what the life of a woman must be."

Our latest new extensions, Chile, Paraguay, and Peru, and Panama, seem to offer prospects of success, even greater than we have been able to record in the Argentine or Uruguay. Before your book is published, we shall probably have made a beginning also in both Bolivia and Brazil.

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