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The honeysuckles I shall keep for panelling the piazza, they are such clean vines and easily controlled; while on the two-story portion under the guest-room windows some Virginia creepers can be added to make a curtain to the side porch. As for other vines, we have many resources.

The safe was unquestionably behind the panelling in front of him. Well, there was a way it was distasteful to him because it was crude and bungling, but he could afford no more time in a search, that he had already convinced himself was hopeless. From the girdle came a half dozen little blue-steel tools. A jimmy found and nosed its way into the joint between two panels.

Above the panelling were placed twelve owls in carved and silvered wood, each one about two feet high, supporting gas-standards. Rose-coloured silk was stretched from the panelling up to the heavy frieze, consisting of "swags" of fruit and foliage modelled in high relief, and brilliantly coloured in their natural hues.

On either side of this window there is panelling graduated to suit the triangular space, and the gable is crowned by an elaborate cross and flanked by two pinnacles which resemble those of the flying buttresses but are larger and have foliage at the corners instead of heads. The original Decorated gable was probably very much of this pattern.

It was in vain; for five minutes he struggled heroically with his curiosity, but at the end of that time he found himself standing in front of the innocent sheet of panelling through which the little maid had disappeared. A glance sufficed to show him the position of the secret door secret, he perceived, only to those who looked with a careless eye.

"I wish you would take them all away and put in new ones. It might be made into a very nice room; the panelling is good. What it needs is Jacobean furniture, fine old hangings, and some bits of glass and porcelain here and there." "I suppose so." Amabel's eyes followed Lady Elliston's. "I never thought of changing anything." Lady Elliston's eyes turned on hers again. "No: I suppose not," she said.

When the man had reached the lowest stair, and had planted both feet upon the tiled floor with a hesitating, uncertain movement, he stood still for a moment on the wide landing which led on one side to the servants' hall, and on the other to the parlor through a door concealed in the panelling of that room, as was another door, leading from the parlor to the dining-room.

That he had no intention of panelling that empty space with marble may be taken for granted, considering the high finish which has been given to every part of this description of work in the chapel.

All eyes were upon the two, and Katherine hearing in the priest's voice a tone of insistence, stood for a moment motionless and evidently debating her course. As she opened her lips, there was a sudden sound of horses' feet. In a moment a thundering knock upon the door's panelling demanded admittance. "Who seeks an opening so roughly?" thundered La Fosse. "Cedric of Crandlemar!"

These triangular spaces are roofed with elaborate wooden vaults, with carved and gilt ribs leaving spaces painted blue and covered with gilt ornament. Above the cornice the panelling rises perpendicularly for about eleven feet; there being on each cardinal side eight panels, in two rows of four, one above the other, and over each arch four more forty-eight panels in all.