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Locking arms, they wrestled and rolled and tumbled in the snow, washed each other's faces, flung the snow about for it was too dry to admit of being wrought into balls and when tired out, they came back panting and with red cheeks, showing that their lungs had been filled with the life-giving ozone.

Presently he spoke: "Those two girls are both clever, as clever as they make 'em, but Cary's cleverness is full of ozone, while Flora's is permeated with a narcotic. Cary's tricks make one laugh, but the other girl's give one the shivers." "Oh, is it as bad as that?" I said, in affright. "Don't you like her?" "Like her!" reflected the Angel, slowly. "I hate her." I gasped.

Phosphorescence becomes more intense, and most bodies of complex structure milk, eggs, feathers, cotton, and flowers become phosphorescent. The same is the case with certain simple bodies, such as oxygen, which is transformed into ozone and emits a white light in the process. Chemical affinity is almost put an end to; phosphorus and potassium remain inert in liquid oxygen.

Radium acts upon the chemical constituents of glass, porcelain and paper, giving them a violet tinge, changes white phosphorous into yellow, oxygen into ozone and produces many other curious chemical changes. We have said that it can serve the surgeon in physical examinations of the body after the manner of X-rays.

He was conscious of feeling curiously uplifted and thrilled, as if the world had suddenly become charged with ozone and electricity, and for some reason he felt capable of great feats of muscle and energy; but the aphasia had left him, and he addressed himself with a clear brain to the task of entertaining his visitors. "George is better to-day," he reported. "He never was bad," said Mrs.

It was broad daylight, and the sun was shining brilliantly into the room through the widely opened windows, which admitted a gentle, refreshing breeze, pleasantly charged with ozone.

Finally, when, after an epidemic, contaminated apartments are to be occupied, the walls and floor and the clothing must be washed with antiseptic solutions whose nature will vary according to circumstances steam charged with phenic acid, water mixed with a millionth part of sulphuric acid, boric acid, ozone, chlorine, etc.

"It is our duty to absorb as much ozone as possible while we are down here, in order to fit us for the fatigues of the season which, I trust, are in store for us." "Getting perilously near Commonstone," whispered Pansey Cottrell, who happened to be sitting next to his hostess.

Like a tide from the plains of innocent heaven through the sultry passionate air of the world, came the coolness to his brow and heart. Oxygen, ozone, nitrogen, water, carbonic acid, is it? Doubtless and other things, perhaps, which chemistry cannot detect.

The air at all times was full of ozone, and knew no taint of fever or malaria. There was a luxury in living where the skies were nearly always bright and the air was always absolutely pure. For long months the Frost King had reigned supreme, but now there were indications that his grip was lessening and that his power was coming to an end.