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Beneath the darkening skies of early evening, the Sergeant and the Osage guide rode forth into the peril and mystery of the shrouded desert. Beyond the outmost picket, moving as silently as two spectres, they found at last a coulee leading upward from the valley to the plains above. To their left the Indian fires swept in half circle, and between were the dark outlines of savage foes.

His handling of his most conspicuous victim, Willis, was very much like Black Hawk's way of dealing with the Osage. He tomahawked him in heroics, ran him through in prose, and scalped him in barbarous epigrams. Bryant and Halleck were abundantly praised; hardly any one else escaped.

Her eyes were like stars in the soft twilight, and her white face lost its color, but she did not look at me. "Don't you trust that mock-turtle Osage, Marjorie, don't." O'mie was more deeply in earnest than we thought. "But O'mie," Marjie urged, "Jean was just as earnest as you are now; and you'd say so, too, Phil, if you had heard him." She was right.

After giving you the instructions of June 10th for their subsistance, such had to be left to the judgment and views of duty, under these circumstances, of yourself and the Osage Sub. Agent, under whose immediate supervision they came, in regard to what further required to be done for them.

I've bumped across those rings many a time in the days when we went from Springvale up to the Red Range schoolhouse in the broken country where Fingal's Creek has its source. It was the hollow beyond the tepee ring that caused his pony to stumble that night when Jean Pahusca, the big Osage, was riding like fury between me and that blood-red sky.

The Special Messenger shook her pretty head in sympathy. "There's a leak somewhere," insisted the angry officer; "it smells to Heaven, but I can't locate it. Somewhere there's a direct, intelligent and sinister underground communication between Osage Court House and Jeb Stuart at Sandy River or wherever he is. And what I want you to do is to locate that leak and plug it."

She went back to the Stone domicile in a sort of daze smiling and happy in her quiet way, but quite speechless. Even Jennie could not "get a rise out of her," as she confessed to Helen and Ruth after they were ready for bed and the plump girl had come in to perch on one of the twin beds her chums occupied for the night. "But I like this Osage flower," observed Jennie.

They tossed in burning brands and watched the flames leap up from pits they themselves had dug. "You will find," the Indian continued, evidently approving of the rapt attention of his audience, "many wells now owned by Indians and leased to white-men companies. The Osage have big holdings. They are reservation Indians, mostly perhaps they can not help that. I must go to the plowing."

The Osage guides and the two white scouts again picked up the trail, the cavalry advancing slowly some distance behind. Custer, accompanied by Hamlin, rode a yard to the rear and joined the scouts, who were cautiously feeling their way up a slight declivity. The Osage in advance crept through the snow to the crest of the ridge and looked carefully down into the valley below.

Buffalo Humps, Tongues, and Marrow-Bones. Return of Spring. Launch of Canoes. Bad Navigation. Pedestrian March. Vast Prairies. Deserted Camps. Pawnee Squaws. An Otto Indian. News of War. Voyage Down the Platte and the Missouri. Reception at Fort Osage. Arrival at St. Louis.