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Updated: August 20, 2024

It happen'd that the Witch was acquitted, and the Knight continued extremely concern'd; therefore the Judge, to save the poor Gentleman's Estate, order'd the Woman to be kept in Gaol, and that the Town should allow her 2s. 6d. per Week; for which he was very thankful. The very next Assizes, he came to the Judge to desire his lordship would let her come back to the Town. And why?

This made them pull off a little, and then they got together either to consult what to do or to look about them. Upon this I order'd a round shott to be fir'd over their heads, which frightend them to that degree that I believe they did not think themselves safe until they got ashore. This occasion'd our calling the Point of land off which this hapned, Cape Runaway.

He felt more calm, however, and entering an eating house, order'd something for his supper, which, when it was brought to him, he merely tasted, and stroll'd forth again. There was a kind of gnawing sensation of thirst within him yet, and as he pass'd a hotel, he bethought him that one little glass of spirits would perhaps be just the thing.

"Yesterday," wrote Lieutenant Barker of the King's Own, "in compliance with the request of the Select Men, Genl Gage order'd that no Soldier in future shou'd appear in the Streets with his side Arms. Query, Is this not encouraging the Inhabitants in their licentious and riotous disposition?

The footsteps drew nearer, and pass'd almost under the gallows. 'Twas an officer, for, as he pass'd, he called out "Sergeant Downs! Sergeant Downs!" A voice from the guardroom in the barbican answer'd him through the darkness. "Why is not the watch set?" "In a minute, sir: it wants a minute to six." "I thought the Colonel order'd it at half past five?"

At last, with much Persuasion, he admitted the Snake's Company, which the Indian put about his Middle, and order'd nobody to take him away upon any account, which was strictly observ'd, although the Snake girded him as hard for a great while, as if he had been drawn in by a Belt, which one pull'd at, with all his strength.

I must, for my Part, be of Opinion, that her Grief was much greater for the Loss of her Lover, than for having ever enjoy'd him. However, tho' she had lost Zeokinizul's Love, she felt his Generosity; for he order'd all her Debts to be discharg'd, and settled on her a very large Annuity.

But mr Bridgar having heertofore related unto me alike accident hapned in the River Kechechewan in the Bottom of the Bay, that a vessell was preserv'd by cutting the Ice round about her, I took the same cours, & order'd the Ice should bee cut round this vessell quite to the keele, & I have reason to thank mr Bridgar for this advice; it sav'd the vessell.

In short, they yet smell of the wine they profusely gave themselves with my money." Lycas, that the offenders might atone for their crime, order'd each of them forty stripes; we were immediately brought to the place of execution; where the enrag'd seamen set upon us with ropes-ends, and try'd to offer our blood a sacrifice for their safety. I bore three stripes very heroically.

But of the States that are order'd and grounded as that of France, it is impossible to become master at such ease: and from hence grew the frequent rebellions of Spain, France, and Greece against the Romans, by reason of the many Principalities those States had: whereof while the memory lasted, the Romans were alwayes doubtfull of the possession of them; but the memory of them being quite wip't out, by the power and continuance of the Empire, at length they enjoy'd it securely; and they also were able afterwards fighting one with another, each of one them to draw after them the greater part of those provinces, according as their authority had gain'd them credit therein: and that because the blood of their ancient Lords was quite spent, they acknowledg'd no other but the Romans.

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