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The prince received him graciously, and manifested a disposition to favor the object of his embassy, but died suddenly, and his successor Naut refused to let Covilham depart, but kept him for many years about his person, as his prime councilor, lavishing on him wealth and honors. After all, this was not the real Prester John; who, as has been observed, was an Asiatic potentate. No. Marco Polo.

Caporal take care till you come back. By gar, I coot naut resist he vos so vairy moche gentilman and I vos so ongrie I go vis him not fife hunder yarts ah! bon Dieu how nice!

"Sir, To prevent farder mischieves, whereof there hath been enough, comes these: Sir, I have my sister's pardon from the Queen's Majesty, whereof I do not doubt you will be glad, having had to say naut of matters whereof you know the purport. So, Sir, I pray for your better welfare in bodie and soul, and that it will please the fisycian to visit you in His good time.

"Sir, To prevent farder mischieves, whereof there hath been enough, comes these: Sir, I have my sister's pardon from the Queen's Majesty, whereof I do not doubt you will be glad, having had to say naut of matters whereof you know the purport. So, Sir, I pray for your better welfare in bodie and soul, and that it will please the fisycian to visit you in His good time.

'Yais, said he, 'I know your army has not moche provision lately, and maybe you are ongrie? 'Ma foi, yais, said I; 'I aff naut slips to my eyes, nor meat to my stomach, for more dan fife days. 'Veil, bon enfant, he say, 'come vis me, and I vill gif you good supper, goot vine, and goot velcome. 'Coot I leave my post? I say. He say, 'Bah!

Nature, November 12th, 1908. Ast. Nach., Nos. 791, 792, 814, translated by G. B. Airy. Naut.

NIOUHA, 16 deg S., 174 deg W., or KEPPEL Island of Wallis, or COCOS Island. A view of it in the "Naut. Mag." July 1833, page 376, shows the same fact; blue. ALLOUFATOU, or HORN Island, ONOUAFU, or PROBY Island, and HUNTER Islands, lie between the Navigator and Fidji groups. I can find no distinct accounts of them. FIDJI or VITI GROUP.

Dinagepore, a large province, was possessed by an ancient family, the last of which, about the year 1184 of their era, the Rajah Bija Naut, had no legitimate issue. When he was at the point of death, he wished to exclude from the succession to the zemindary his half-brother, Cantoo Naut, with whom he had lived upon ill terms for many years, by adopting a son.

BEVERIDGE Reef, 20 deg S., 167 deg W., is described in the "Naut. Mag." SAVAGE Island, 19 deg S., 170 deg W., has been described by Cook and Forster. The Rev. J. Williams informs me that the reef fringing its shores, resembles that round Mangaia; coloured red. PYLSTAART Island.

"You see, sare, it vos ven in Espagne de bivouac vos vairy ard indeet 'pon us, vor we coot naut get into de town at all, nevair, becos you dam Ingelish keep all de town to yoursefs vor we fall back at dat time becos we get not support no corps de reserve, you perceive so ve mek retrograde movement not retreat no, no but retrograde movement.