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Updated: August 18, 2024

Peg Barney that cleared out the Blue Lights' Jubilee meetin' wid the cook-room mop last year? "Thin I knew ut was a draf' av the Ould Rig'mint, an' I was conshumed wid sorrow for the bhoy that was in charge. We was harrd scrapin's at any time. Did I iver tell you how Horker Kelley wint into clink nakid as Phoebus Apollonius, wid the shirts av the Corp'ril an' file undher his arrum?

Twas the sword hangin' on the tent-pole changed my will. "'Can't I help, sorr? sez I; ''tis a strong man's job they've given you, an' you'll be wantin' help by sundown. He was a bhoy wid bowils, that child, an' a rale gintleman. "'Sit down, sez he. "'Not before my orf'cer, sez I; an' I tould him fwhat my service was. "'I've heard av you, sez he. 'You tuk the town av Lungtungpen nakid.

Peg Barney that cleared out the Blue Lights' Jubilee meeting wid the cook-room mop last year? 'Thin I knew ut was a draf of the ould rig'mint, an' I was conshumed wid sorrow for the bhoy that was in charge. We was harrd scrapin's at any time. Did I iver tell you how Horker Kelley went into clink nakid as Phoebus Apollonius, wid the shirts av the Corp'ril an' file undher his arrum?

The elate Maurice was inspired to set up as a wit. "Then you're nakid!" he shouted exultantly. "Penrod Schofield says he hasn't got nothin' on under that ole golf cape! He's nakid! He's nakid."

'Twas the sword hangin' on the tent-pole changed my will. "'Can't I help, Sorr? sez I; ''tis a strong man's job they've given you, an' you'll be wantin' help by sundown. He was a bhoy wid bowils, that child, an' a rale gintleman. "'Sit down, sez he. "'Not before my orf'cer, sez I; an' I tould him fwhat my service was. "'I've heard av you, sez he. 'You tuk the town av Lungtungpen nakid.

Foive-and-twenty privits an' a orficer av the Line in review ordher, an' not as much as wud dust a fife betune 'em all in the way of clothin'! Eight av us had their belts an' pouches on; but the rest had gone in wid a handful av cartridges an' the skin God gave thim. They was as nakid as Vanus. "'Number off from the right! sez the Lift'nint.

Sam had failed to get it from Polly, but he found a balm for all his hurts when he met Bob Davis. "What!" exclaimed Bob. "Dreamed of a nakid black man. Fu' de Lawd sake, Sam, don' let de chance pass. You got 'em dis time sho'. I'll put somep'n' on it myse'f. Wha'd you think ef we'd win de 'capital'?" That was enough. The two parted and Sam hurried home. He crept into the house.

Peg Barney that cleared out the Blue Lights' jubilee meeting wid the cook-room mop last year? "Thin I knew ut was a draf' of the ould rig'mint, an' I was conshumed wid sorrow for the bhoy that was in charge. We was harrd scrapin's at any time. Did I iver tell you how Horker Kelley went into clink nakid as Phoebus Apollonius, wid the shirts av the Corp'ril an' file undher his arrum?

Can't ye see I'm nakid as Adam, except fer this old rag? I wouldn't mind if I ware signed on regular like the rest, 'cause I could take it out the slop chest in work. But here I is without no regular work, no chanst to draw on the old man, an' next month, most like, we'll be running up the latitoods inter frost. I'm in a hard fix, shipmate, an' you kin see it."

'Tis like the judgmint av God hittin' down from the nakid sky! We run into a rest-camp as ut might have been Ludianny, but not by any means so comfortable. The Orficer Commandin' sent a telegrapt up the line, three hundher' mile up, askin' for help.

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