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Updated: August 20, 2024

It would never do for you to have tea with the others now, you know." "No, to be sure," agreed Giles blankly. "Well, and how are you, Mr. Maine? Most comfortable and happy, Mrs. Tapper tells me." "'E-es, mum," returned Giles mournfully. "Sugar and milk, Mr. Maine?" "Thankee, mum, I likes it best pure naked. I'd be thankful to 'ee, mum, if ye wouldn't call me Mr. Maine; it don't seem naitral like."

Bold vehemently. "Here I've been a-livin' wi' ye all these years, and ye've never let me keep so much as a canary bird. There's the Willises have gold-fish down to their place, and they be but cottagers; and Mrs. Fripp have got a parrot. A real beauty he be, what can sing songs and laugh and shout like the children, and swear ye'd think t'was Fripp hisself, he do do it so naitral!"

Encouraged by the condescension of the remark, but disinclined to follow the path of reflection it indicated, Mistress Croale ventured a little farther upon her own. "Ye see, sir," she said, "as lang's there's whusky, it wull tak the throt-ro'd. It's the naitral w'y o' 't, ye see, to rin doon, an' it's no mainner o' use gangin' again natur.

Ony ither body, be she as guid as she may, maun be but a makshift! For ae thing he winna get the same naitral disciplene 'at ilka mither cat gies its kitlins!" "Maybe! maybe! I ken I couldna ever lay a finger upo' the bonny cratur mysel!" said Maggie. "There 'tis!" returned her father. "And I dinna think," he went on, "we could expec muckle frae the wisdom o' the mither o' 'm, gien she had him.

'The girl ye left behind ye, says I. 'Ah, to be sure, says he. 'Yes, she be a reg'lar pictur. 'Well, you mid tell us a bit about her, says I; 'I've a-told 'ee all about my maid. Blue eyes, I s'pose? Seein' as his own be so black as sloes, I reckoned 'twould come naitral to en to take up wi' a fair maid. 'Yes, says he, 'so blue as the sky at home on a June day! I made a good shot, I told en.

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