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I lost the money that would have carried me out of this, and I shouldn't have had to shut down the Works, or sell the house, or " Lapham stopped. His wife, who at first had listened with mystification, and then dawning incredulity, changing into a look of relief that was almost triumph, lapsed again into severity.

Stringham waited. "She has been marvellous that's what she has been. She is marvellous. But she's really better." "Oh then if she's really better !" But he checked himself, wanting only to be easy about it and above all not to appear engaged to the point of mystification. "We shall miss her the more at dinner." Susan Shepherd, however, was all there for him. "She's keeping herself. You'll see.

I remember I put the wound to my mouth and stood for perhaps half a minute licking it like a dog, and mechanically gazing behind me over the waste links and the sea; and in that space of time my eye made note of a large schooner yacht some miles to the north-east. Then I threw up the window and climbed in. I went over the house, and nothing can express my mystification.

Several of the younger gentlemen, however, considered themselves adepts in that noble art of 'upsetting' then in vogue in the African universities, to which we all have reason enough to be thankful, seeing that it drove Saint Augustine from Carthage to Rome; and they, in compliance with the usual fashion of tormenting any simple creature who came in their way by mystification and insult, commenced a series of personal witticisms, which the beggar bore stoically enough.

The other was sufficiently convinced of the irresponsibility of poets to be half uncertain whether Helen was joking or not; it was very frequently difficult to tell, anyway, for Helen would look serious and amuse herself by watching another person's mystification a trait of character which would have been intolerable in anyone less fascinating than she.

Wouldn't he write, wouldn't he explain, wouldn't he take for granted Lyon had discovered the way he had, as the cook said, served him and deem it only decent to take pity in some fashion or other on his mystification? Would he plead guilty or would he repudiate suspicion?

Barrett, "that a person whom we know whose actions and motives are as plain to us as though discerned through a glass, should at times produce a completer mystification than any other creature? Or have you not observed it?" "I have had better opportunities of observing it than most people," Mr. Barren replied, with one of his saddest amused smiles.

"Looks as if there were something doing there," said Percival, as they drove off the wharf. "Of course, stupid!" said his sister; "that's plain; only it isn't doing, it's already done. Isn't it funny, ma?" "For a French person," observed Mrs. Bines, guardedly, "I always liked the baron." "Of course," said her son, to Mauburn's mystification, "and the noblest men on this earth have to wear 'em."

I did not attempt to enlighten them as to its true cause, but gave them to understand vaguely that I had something to do with it. I also told them that the great spirit, whose representative I was, was burning up the land. Another phenomenon that caused much mystification and terror was an eclipse of the sun.

They made Mrs. Bowen and Imogene go into an inner room and come out for the mystification of Colville, hulking about in the front shop with his mask and domino on. "Which is which?" the ladies both challenged him, in the mask's conventional falsetto, when they came out.