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By his Son, Theophilus Parsons. Boston. Ticknor & Fields. 12mo. pp. 476. $1.50. The Life of James Watt; with Selections from his Correspondence. By James Patrick Muirhead, M.A. Illustrated with Wood-Cuts. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. 424. $1.25. The Spy. A Tale of the Neutral Ground. By J. Fenimore Cooper. Illustrated from Drawings by F.O.C. Barley. New York.

His schoolmate, Andrew Anderson, brought into his life the noted Professor, with all his knowledge, kindness and influence, and opened to him the kind of library he most needed. Through Professor Muirhead, a kinsman of Watt's mother, he was introduced to many others of the faculty of the university, and, as usual, attracted their attention, especially that of Dr.

Before saying farewell a fond farewell! to New York, let me supplement my first impressions with my last. The most maligned of cities, I called it; and truly I said well. Here is even the judicious Mr. J.F. Muirhead of "Baedeker," betrayed by his passion for antithesis into describing New York as "a lady in ball costume, with diamonds in her ears and her toes out at her boots."

You cannot conceive how I am annoyed by this beast she commits burglary, I believe, for I heard her charged with breaking into the kitchen after all the doors were locked, and eating up a shoulder of mutton. "I am truly sorry, sir," said Hector, "that Juno has committed so much disorder; but Jack Muirhead, the breaker, was never able to bring her under command.

Rembrandt, Whistler, Hayden, Merryon, Cameron, Muirhead Bone and Zorn were represented by their most notable creations; two startling subjects by Brangwyn hung alone in one corner of the room, isolated, it would seem, out of consideration for the gleaming, jewel-like surfaces of other and smaller treasures. There were at least a dozen Zorns, as many Whistlers and Camerons.

In a word, America has not attained, or nearly attained, perfection. But below and behind, and beyond all its weakness and evils, there is the grand fact of a noble national theory founded on reason and conscience." The reader will remark in the foregoing quotation that Mr. Muirhead is equally emphatic in his approval and in his disapproval.

Latimer Clark, Muirhead and Co., of Regency Street, Westminster. The foregoing sketch is but an imperfect outline of a very successful life. `But enough has been given to show that we have here an engineer of various and even brilliant gifts. Mr. Clark has applied himself in divers directions, and never applied himself in vain.

The Foster Brothers. Being the History of the School and College Life of Two Young Men. 1 volume, 12mo. Life of James Watt. The Inventor of the Modern Steam Engine. With Selections from his Private Correspondence. By James P. Muirhead. Portrait and Wood Cuts. History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. By Samuel Greene Arnold. Vol. 1, 1636 to 1700. 8vo. Price, $2.60

Hopkinson and Muirhead differs little in general construction from that we have described; except that the commutator is very much simplified, and the armature bobbins are placed opposite each other on both sides of the rim. Instead of forming the coils into complete bobbins, Dr.

We must look to the Watt women as carefully as to the men; and these fortunately we find all that can be desired. His mother was Agnes Muirhead, a descendant of the Muirheads of Lachop, who date away back before the reign of King David, 1122. Scott, in his "Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border," gives us the old ballad of "The Laird of Muirhead," who played a great part in these unsettled days.