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And here followeth the noble tale of the Sangreal, that called is the Holy Vessel; and the signification of the blessed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, blessed mote it be, the which was brought into this land by Joseph Aramathie. Therefore on all sinful souls blessed Lord have thou mercy. Explicit liber xii. Et incipit Decimustercius.

Thou hypocrite! cast out the beam which is in thine eye, and then shalt thou see distinctly to take off the mote which is in thy brother's eye. For there is no good tree which produceth fruit of a bad quality; neither doth a tree of a bad sort produce good fruit. Every tree is known by its own peculiar fruit.

He let him see and seek the true and the good; but while the young man was contemplating them, the evil spirit blew one mote after another into each of his eyes; and such a proceeding would be hurtful even to the best sight.

If those I-told-you-so's got their desert they would long ago have been pitched over the battlements. The mote in their neighbor's eyes so small that it takes a microscope to find it gives them more trouble than the beam which obscures their own optics.

Here is the true Light on the Path, for the guidance of the feet of all Mystics and Occultists! "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete it shall be measured unto you. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

But I agree with Dray," continued Walter. "We ought to 'beat it' up to the Mote, quick. There are other tents flopping around, and everybody will be good and hungry, you can be sure." "Queer how old Denny made for his shack as soon as we got in," Ed remarked. "I wonder if he thought that would be demolished?" "No, not likely," Jack said, "but the old fellow was pretty wet and played out.

Since we have such a keen vision for the mote in our brother's eye and such an eager perception of every flaw in our enemy, we can recognize this spirit most readily if we look for it first in Germany, but in doing so let us clearly recognize that every quotation can be paralleled by the press both secular and religious on our own side of the conflict.

All I mean to say is, it brings me to this conclusion, that as we are by our very nature liable to err, and that as it is quite clear that those who are the most forward to condemn others are not always totally free from the frailties of human nature themselves; it therefore behoves us, while we have "the beam in our own eye," not to be too officious in exposing the "mote in the eye of another."

Between these groups, on a smaller scale, come the slighter and more homely episodes, with Sir Nathaniel the curate, the country-maid Jaquenetta, Moth or Mote the elfin-page, with Hiems and Ver, who recite "the dialogue that the two learned men have compiled in praise of the owl and the cuckoo."

"Pile green turf," said the friar, "wreathe it with flowers, and crown it with fruit, and we will show the noble baron what we mean by the altar." The foresters did as the friar directed. "Now, Little John," said the friar, "on with the cloak of the abbot of Doubleflask. I appoint thee my clerk: thou art here duly elected in full mote."